Nova análise da Oceana descobre que a pescaria de atum está mascarando US $ 411 milhões da indústria de tubarões azuis

Oceana pede às organizações regionais de gestão da pesca e aos países-membros para que gerenciem de forma abrangente a pesca dos tubarões-azuis

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Um novo estudo solicitado pela Oceana revela que as embarcações autorizadas a pescar nas águas das organizações regionais de gestão da pesca do atum (ORGP) estão operando grandes pescas de tubarões, apoiando uma pesca comercial maciça de tubarão azul (Prionace glauca) com um valor base de US $ 411 milhões. Esta primeira análise indica que o valor da pesca do tubarão azul é superior ao de cada uma das três icônicas pescas de atum rabilho. O relatório confirma que o tubarão azul representa 60% de toda a pesca global de tubarão relatadas, dominando singularmente o comércio de barbatanas de tubarões e de carne, enquanto a gestão direta de captura da espécie permanece ausente.

No mês passado, na Convenção sobre o Comércio Internacional das Espécies Ameaçadas de Extinção, os líderes mundiais votaram a favor da proteção de 60 espécies de tubarões, incluindo os tubarões azuis. Com isso, essas espécies só podem ser comercializadas se as suas unidades populacionais forem comprovadamente geridas de forma sustentável. Com exceção de um limite de pesca de 2019 fixado sob a jurisdição da Comissão Internacional para a Conservação dos Tunídeos do Atlântico (ICCAT), os tubarões azuis são pescados sem limites. “Apesar de ser considerada uma das espécies de tubarão mais resilientes e abundantes, as populações de tubarão azul estão ameaçadas pela má gestão pesqueira”, disse Philip Chou, Diretor Sênior de Política Global da Oceana. “Sem uma gestão adequada, os tubarões azuis e os ecossistemas que eles equilibram enfrentam um futuro perigoso. A gestão direta e ativa da captura dos tubarões azuis deve começar imediatamente.”

Este relatório analisou dados globais sobre a pesca, comércio e gestão de tubarão e atum relatados à Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura (FAO) e às ORGP. Pesquisadores liderados pela Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. descobriram que quase 200.000 toneladas métricas de tubarão azul foram legalmente pescadas e desembarcadas em 2019, totalizando mais de 7 milhões de tubarões azuis. Desse total, 90% foram capturados por frotas comerciais de grande escala, principalmente palangreiros, com 74% sinalizados para nações de pesca de águas distantes. Espanha e Taiwan são responsáveis por cerca de metade do total da pesca de tubarão azul.

Para acessar o resumo da Oceana e o relatório completo, visite Esta pesquisa foi preparada para a Iniciativa Oceanos Transparentes da Oceana — um programa internacional que mostra a pegada global das frotas de pesca de águas distantes do mundo, catalisando a mudança de políticas para proteger o oceano e as comunidades que dependem dele.

Contato: Anna Baxter,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8712809

Une nouvelle étude d’Oceana révèle que la pêche au thon masque une industrie du requin bleu de 411 millions de dollars américains

Oceana demande aux organisations régionales de gestion des pêches et aux États membres de gérer tous les aspects de la pêche des requins bleus

WASHINGTON, 12 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Une nouvelle étude commanditée par Oceana révèle que les navires autorisés à pêcher dans les eaux des organisations régionales de gestion des pêches (ORGP) désignées pour le thon exploitent d’importantes pêcheries de requins, soutenant une pêche commerciale massive du requin bleu (Prionace glauca), dont la valeur au débarquement est de 411 millions de dollars US. Cette analyse, la première du genre, montre que la valeur des captures de requins bleus dépasse celle de chacune des trois pêcheries emblématiques de thon rouge. Le rapport confirme qu’alors que le requin bleu représente 60 % de toutes les captures de requins déclarées mondialement et il domine à lui seul à la fois le commerce des ailerons et de chair de requin, il n’y a actuellement aucune gestion directe de l’espèce.

Lors de la CITES Convention sur le commerce international des espèces sauvages menacées d’extinction qui s’est tenue le mois dernier, les dirigeants mondiaux ont voté pour assurer la protection de 60 espèces de requins, dont les requins bleus. Cette décision implique que ces espèces ne peuvent être commercialisées que s’il est prouvé que leurs stocks sont gérés de manière durable. À l’exception d’une limite de capture axée pour 2019 sous la responsabilité de l’ORGP de la Commission internationale pour la conservation des thonidés de l’Atlantique (CICTA), les requins bleus sont pêchés sans aucune limite. « Bien que l’espèce des requins bleus soit considérée comme l’une des plus résistantes et des plus abondantes, les requins bleus sont menacés par une mauvaise gestion de leur population », a déclaré Philip Chou, Senior Director of Global Policy a Oceana

« Sans une gestion appropriée, l’avenir s’annonce incertain pour les requins bleus et les écosystèmes qu’ils équilibrent. La gestion directe et active de la pêche des requins bleus doit être mise en place immédiatement. »

Ce rapport a analysé les données mondiales sur les captures, le commerce et la gestion des requins et du thon communiquées à la FAO, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture et aux ORGP. Des chercheurs dirigés par Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. ont découvert que près de 200 000 tonnes de requins bleus avaient été capturées et débarquées légalement en 2019, soit plus de 7 millions de requins bleus. Sur ces prises, 90 % ont été amenées par des flotte commerciales à grande échelle, principalement des palangriers, dont 74 % battaient pavillon de pays qui pratiquent la pêche en eaux lointaines. L’Espagne et Taïwan sont responsables d’environ la moitié des captures totales de requins bleus.

Pour accéder au résumé d’Oceana et au rapport complet, rendez-vous sur Cette recherche a été préparée pour la Transparent Oceans Initiative d’Oceana, un programme international qui met en lumière l’empreinte mondiale des flottes de pêche en eaux lointaines du monde, catalysant un changement de politique en vue de protéger l’océan et les communautés qui en dépendent.

Contact : Anna Baxter,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8712809

New Oceana Analysis Finds Tuna Fisheries Are Masking USD $411 Million Blue Shark Industry

Oceana calls on regional fishery management organizations and member states to comprehensively manage the fishing of blue sharks

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new Oceana-commissioned study reveals that vessels authorized to fish in the waters of designated tuna regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) are operating major shark fisheries, propping up a massive blue shark (Prionace glauca) commercial fishery with a landing value worth USD $411 million. This first-of-its-kind analysis shows the catch value of blue shark exceeds that of each of the three iconic bluefin tuna fisheries. The report confirms blue shark represents 60% of all reported global shark catches, singularly dominating both the shark fin and meat trade, while direct management of the species remains absent.

Last month at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, world leaders voted to provide protections for 60 shark species, including blue sharks. This decision means these species can only be traded if their stocks are proven to be sustainably managed. Except for a 2019 catch limit set under the jurisdiction of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) RFMO, blue sharks are fished without any limits. “Despite being considered one of the most resilient and abundant shark species, blue shark populations are threatened by poor management,” said Philip Chou, Oceana’s Senior Director of Global Policy. “Without proper management, blue sharks and the ecosystems they balance face a perilous future. Direct and active fishery management of blue sharks must begin immediately.”

This report analyzed global data on the catch, trade, and management of sharks and tuna reported to the Food and Agriculture Organization and RFMOs. Researchers led by Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. found that nearly 200,000 metric tons of blue shark were legally caught and landed in 2019, amounting to over 7 million blue sharks. Of that catch, 90% was brought in by large-scale commercial fleets, mostly longliners, with 74% flagged to distant-water fishing nations. Spain and Taiwan are responsible for roughly half the total blue shark catch.

To access Oceana’s summary and the full report, visit This research was prepared for Oceana’s Transparent Oceans Initiative — an international program that illuminates the global footprint of the world’s distant-water fishing fleets, catalyzing policy change to protect the ocean and the communities who rely on it.

Contact: Anna Baxter,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8711327


PÉKIN, 12 décembre 2022/PRNewswire/ — Le président-directeur général de Piaggio & C. S.p.A. (PIA.MI), Roberto Colaninno, et le vice-directeur général de Foton Motor Group, Wang Shuhai, ont signé un accord préliminaire à Mantoue pour le développement d’une nouvelle gamme de véhicules utilitaires électriques légers à quatre roues. L’accord consolide le partenariat mis en place par les deux groupes en septembre 2017 pour le développement conjoint de solutions innovantes pour le marché des véhicules utilitaires légers.

Au cours des prochains mois, une équipe de représentants des deux groupes travaillera au développement et à l’approbation d’un plan de production et de commercialisation et de documents contractuels en vue – en cas de succès des activités ci-dessus – de finaliser les documents techniques relatifs au projet et aux contrats d’ici le printemps 2023.

Crurated Launches First of its Kind Virtual Cellars for Gifting French and Italian Wines This Holiday Season and Beyond

Members can gift wines from their Crurated cellars or buy from the platform to send directly to friends & loved ones

LONDON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With an eye on innovation in the wine industry, Crurated, a blockchain and member-based wine community, has launched virtual cellars for gifting wines this holiday season and beyond. This first of its kind program lets members gift French and Italian fine wines from the platform that are stored in the Crurated cellar in Burgundy and available virtually. Wines for gifting start at 50 Euro and come with a complimentary Explorer Membership and a virtual cellar that allows the recipient to view their wines and ship to many countries across the globe. The wines are authenticated and traced via blockchain technology and come straight from the Domaine.

“While our members can give from their personal Crurated cellars, we’ve also added a full range of French and Italian wines that are perfect for gift giving,” said Alfonso de Gaetano, Founder of Crurated. “This new program makes last minute gifting easy. No stores to visit or shipping to do because the gift is instantaneously available and can be shipped out when the recipient is ready to enjoy their wine.”

“Our direct-to-consumer partnership with Crurated ensures that any and all wine lovers have the opportunity to gain access to our wines,” said Charles Lachaux, Burgundy’s most forward-thinking winemaker. “This new offering will help to foster a larger community of oenophiles and is the perfect gift not only for the holidays but any time of the year.”

In addition to selections from a member’s personal cellar additional wines are available for purchase from Crurated producers from regions including Barolo and Burgundy to Tuscany and beyond.

Each gift comes with a complimentary and upgradable Explorer Membership with benefits that include:

  • Access to discovery collections that highlight the unique styles of various regions and producers
  • Blockchain certificate on all bottles
  • Complimentary storage up to 50 bottles
  • Maximum Barrel allocation 3L
  • No Buyer’s premium

More details on Crurated Memberships can be found here:

About Crurated
Launched in 2021 with an emphasis on France and Italy, Crurated is a membership-based wine community designed to connect connoisseurs directly with world-class producers. A team of specialists provides personalized services and authentic experiences, while Crurated’s seamless logistics service guarantees quality and provenance thanks to secure wine cellar storage and innovative blockchain technology. For more on Crurated, visit

PR Contact
Michael Volpatt

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8711939

Crurated lance la première cave virtuelle du genre pour offrir des vins français et italiens pendant les fêtes de fin d’année et au-delà

Les membres peuvent offrir des vins de leur cave Crurated ou les acheter sur la plateforme pour les envoyer directement à leurs amis et à leurs proches

LONDRES, 12 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dans un souci d’innovation dans l’industrie du vin, Crurated, une communauté viticole basée sur la blockchain et les membres, a lancé le concept de caves virtuelles pour offrir des vins à l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année et au-delà. Ce programme, le premier du genre, permet à ses membres d’offrir de grands vins français et italiens depuis la plateforme qui sont stockés dans la cave de Crurated en Bourgogne et disponibles virtuellement. Les vins à offrir commencent au prix de 50 euros et sont accompagnés d’un abonnement Explorer gratuit et d’une cave virtuelle qui permet au destinataire de voir ses vins et de les expédier dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde. Les vins sont authentifiés et tracés via la technologie de blockchain et proviennent directement du domaine.

« Tandis que nos membres peuvent offrir des vins provenant de leur cave personnelle Crurated, nous avons également ajouté une gamme complète de vins français et italiens parfaits pour offrir », a déclaré Alfonso de Gaetano, fondateur de Crurated. « Ce nouveau programme facilite les cadeaux de dernière minute. Il n’y a pas besoin de se rendre dans une boutique ou d’expédition à faire car le cadeau est disponible instantanément et peut être expédié lorsque le destinataire est prêt à déguster son vin. »

« Notre partenariat de distribution directe au consommateur avec Crurated garantit à n’importe quel amateur de vin de pouvoir accéder à nos vins », a commenté Charles Lachaux, le vigneron le plus avant-gardiste de Bourgogne. « Cette nouvelle offre contribuera à servir une plus large communauté d’œnophiles et constitue le cadeau idéal pour les fêtes mais aussi à tout moment de l’année. »

En plus des sélections de cave personnelle d’un membre, des vins supplémentaires sont disponibles à l’achat auprès des producteurs référencés chez Crurated de régions telles que Barolo et la Bourgogne ou la Toscane.

Chaque cadeau est accompagné d’un abonnement gratuit et évolutif Explorer avec des avantages incluant :

  • L’accès à des collections de découverte qui mettent en avant les styles uniques de différentes régions et producteurs
  • Un certificat de blockchain sur toutes les bouteilles
  • La possibilité de stocker gratuitement jusqu’à 50 bouteilles
  • Une allocation de fût maximale de 3 litres
  • Pas de prime à l’achat

Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur les abonnements Crurated sur la page :

À propos de Crurated
Lancée en 2021 en mettant un accent particulier sur la France et l’Italie, Crurated est une communauté de vignerons basée sur l’adhésion conçue pour mettre en relation les connaisseurs et les producteurs de renommée mondiale. Une équipe de spécialistes fournit des services personnalisés et des expériences authentiques, tandis que le service logistique transparent de Crurated garantit la qualité et l’origine grâce à un stockage sécurisé de caves à vin et une technologie de blockchain innovante. Pour en savoir plus sur Crurated, veuillez consulter le site

Contact RP
Michael Volpatt

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8711939

Crurated Lança Primeira Adega Virtual do Mundo de Vinhos Franceses e Italianos para Presentes de Festas e Todo o Ano

Os associados podem presentear vinhos das suas adegas Crurated ou comprar da plataforma com envio direto para amigos e entes queridos

LONDRES, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Com um olho na inovação na indústria do vinho, a Crurated, uma comunidade de vinhos com base em blockchain e associados, lançou adegas virtuais com vinhos que podem ser presentados nas festas e durante todo o ano. Com este primeiro programa do seu tipo, os associados podem presentear vinhos finos franceses e italianos da plataforma armazenados na adega Crurated na Borgonha e disponíveis virtualmente. Os vinhos para presente têm preços a partir de 50 euros, vêm com uma assinatura gratuita do Explorer, além de uma adega virtual que permite que o presenteado veja os vinhos que podem ser enviados para muitos países do mundo. Os vinhos são autenticados e rastreados com a tecnologia blockchain e vêm diretamente do Domaine.

“Além da adega Crurated virtual pessoal que os associados podem usar para dar presentes, adicionamos uma gama completa de vinhos franceses e italianos que também são perfeitos para presentes”, disse Alfonso de Gaetano, Fundador da Crurated. “Este novo programa facilita a escolha de um presente de última hora. Com a loja virtual, o vinho está instantaneamente disponível e pode ser enviado quando o presenteado estiver pronto para degustar o vinho.”

“Com a nossa parceria direta com o consumidor por meio da Crurated, todos os amantes de vinhos têm a oportunidade de acessar os nossos vinhos”, disse Charles Lachaux, o enólogo mais visionário da Borgonha. “Esta nova oferta ajudará a promover uma comunidade maior de enófilos e é o presente perfeito para as festas e para qualquer época do ano.”

Além das seleções da adega pessoal de um associado, mais vinhos estão disponíveis para compra de produtores Crurated de Barolo, Borgonha, Toscana e outras regiões.

Cada presente vem com uma assinatura gratuita e atualizável do Explorer com benefícios que incluem:

  • Acesso a coleções de descobertas que destacam os estilos exclusivos de várias regiões e produtores
  • Certificado Blockchain em todas as garrafas
  • Armazenamento gratuito para até 50 garrafas
  • Alocação Máxima em Barril – 3l
  • Sem ágio para o Comprador

Para mais detalhes sobre a Crurated Memberships, visite:

Sobre a Crurated
Lançada em 2021 com ênfase na França e na Itália, a Crurated é uma associação da comunidade vinícola criada para conectar conhecedores e produtores de todo o mundo. Uma equipe de especialistas oferece serviços personalizados e experiências autênticas, enquanto o serviço de logística contínuo da Crurated garante a qualidade e a proveniência, graças ao armazenamento seguro da adega e à inovadora tecnologia blockchain. Para mais informação sobre a Crurated, visite

Contato de RP
Michael Volpatt

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8711939

Ideanomics subsidiary Energica strengthens its position in the ASEAN region with entry into high-value Japanese, Australian markets

NEW YORK, Dec. 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX), a global company focused on accelerating the commercial adoption of electric vehicles (EV), today announces that its subsidiary Energica has started selling its high-performance electric motorcycles in Japan and Australia. The first batch of motorbikes will arrive in both countries in Q1 2023.

“Japan is a key market for us. Energica’s presence in Japan was sealed in August at the eight-hour Suzuka Circuit where our bikes were acclaimed for their performance during the numerous test laps at this prestigious and world-renowned endurance race,” says Livia Cevolini, Energica Motor Company CEO. “Our partnership with Estar & Co., Ltd. in January 2020 has also improved our efforts in developing our Asia-Pacific network.”

Japan is a priority market for Energica, where nearly 10.3 million two-wheel vehicles are registered and more than 83,000 motorcycles over 250cc, Energica’s target market, were sold in 2021. Demand for EVs in Japan is growing fast, driven by regulations restricting vehicle emissions and a rapidly growing EV charging network. However, established OEMs have slowly introduced high-performance electric motorcycles in the 250-cc category. Energica will move fast to fill this gap and become the high-performance electric motorcycle of choice for Japan’s motorcycle enthusiasts.

In 2020, Energica established a strategic partnership with Estar & Co., Ltd. to import motorcycles into Japan. Estar & Co., Ltd. has opened a mono-brand showroom in Kobe, on the man-made island of Rokkō Island, where riders can come and test drive any Energica’s Eva Ribelle, Ego and EsseEsse9+. They have also developed a distribution network throughout the country.

In Australia, Australian Electric Motor Co. has partnered with Energica to offer a premium selection of electric motorcycles in Australia and New Zealand. Last year, motorcycle sales in these two countries hit a 15-year high with more than 100,000 new units sold, which makes these markets lucrative for further EV expansion.

“Ideanomics has committed to extending Energica’s footprint across the globe,” says Robin Mackie, Ideanomics Mobility CEO. “This new market entry into Japan and Australia will contribute to what we anticipate a strong fourth quarter and long-term consistent revenue growth.”

Energica has a proven track record of supplying motorcycles to customers across the ASEAN region. Recently, the company partnered with UTOMOCORP to deliver 88 EsseEsse9+ bikes to the Indonesian National Police. Additionally, Ideanomics subsidiary Treeletrik is providing after-sales support to Energica for the ASEAN region and has begun collaborating with Energica on joint sales and marketing strategies.

In Europe and Asia Pacific, Energica has added 12 new sales points since the beginning of the fourth quarter totaling 130 Energica dealers and importers worldwide. Year to date, Energica has sold 78% more motorcycles compared to the same time last year. Additionally, Energica already has a substantial backlog of orders for its newest product offering – the Green Tourer Experia.

With ongoing support from Ideanomics, Energica is accelerating the disruption of the global two-wheeler market with its high-performance electric motorcycles. The company also provides technology and expertise to other industries through its Energica Inside business unit. Ideanomics is solving the complexity of fleet electrification, offering fleet operators everything they need to electrify faster, easier and more affordably, all in one place.

About Ideanomics
Ideanomics is a global group with a simple mission: accelerating the commercial adoption of electric vehicles. By bringing together vehicles, charging and financing solutions under one roof, we are the one stop partner needed to simplify the transition to and operation of any EV fleet. To keep up with Ideanomics, please follow the company on social @ideanomicshq or visit

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This press release contains certain statements that may include “forward-looking statements”. All statements other than statements of historical fact included herein are “forward-looking statements.” These forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “believes,” “expects” or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, and include statements regarding our intention to transition our business model to become a next generation financial technology company, our business strategy and planned product offerings, our intention to phase out our oil trading and consumer electronics businesses, and potential future financial results. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company’s actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of risks and uncertainties, such as risks related to: our ability to continue as a going concern; our ability to raise additional financing to meet our business requirements; the transformation of our business model; fluctuations in our operating results; strain to our personnel management, financial systems and other resources as we grow our business; our ability to attract and retain key employees and senior management; competitive pressure; our international operations; and other risks and uncertainties disclosed under the sections entitled “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in our most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and similar disclosures in subsequent reports filed with the SEC, which are available on the SEC website at All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these risk factors. Other than as required under the securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements.


Ideanomics, Inc.
Tony Sklar, SVP of Investor Relations
1441 Broadway, Suite 5116, New York, NY 10018

Theodore Rolfvondenbaumen, Communications Director

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Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Pledges $1.2M Donation to UN-Hosted Sanitation and Water for All Partnership

GENEVA, Dec. 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation has become the most recent donor of the UN-hosted Sanitation and Water for All global partnership (SWA), pledging $1.2 million to support water, sanitation, and hygiene projects through 2024.

The Hilton Foundation joins other SWA donors, including governments and prominent foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“Access to clean water and sanitation is a crucial component of prosperity and development,” said Nabil Chemaly, senior program officer for the Safe Water Initiative at the Hilton Foundation. “We are excited to partner with SWA to help achieve our Safe Water Initiative goal of ensuring reliable, affordable and safely managed water to one million people in low-income households, health facilities and schools in sub-Saharan Africa by the end of 2025.”

Key priorities of the Hilton Foundation include accelerating access to safely managed water services in line with Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Uganda.

SWA will provide these countries with dedicated support to shore up water, sanitation, and hygiene services against climate impacts and integrate these efforts into National Adaptation Plans.

Additionally, SWA will help identify financial bottlenecks and monitor national budget allocations.

“The Hilton Foundation has been a major champion of the human rights to water and sanitation in Africa, and across the globe,” said Catarina de Albuquerque, CEO of SWA. “We are delighted to welcome their support to the partnership and look forward to celebrating the impact we will make together.”


Started in 1944, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation provides funds to nonprofit organizations working to improve the lives of individuals living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage throughout the world. For more information, visit


SWA is a United Nations-hosted partnership working towards a joint objective of water, sanitation, and hygiene for all. Its partners include governments, utilities, regulators, donors, financial institutions, UN agencies, civil society and research organizations and the private sector. For more information, visit

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