Taconic Biosciences Launches First and Only Super Immunodeficient Mouse Models Lacking Residual Murine Fc Gamma Receptors, for Improved Antibody Therapy Assessment

FcResolv™ NOG Models Provide Greater Clarity and More Translatable Data

RENSSELAER, N.Y., Oct. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Taconic Biosciences, a global leader in providing drug discovery animal model solutions, has launched the FcResolv™ NOG portfolio, the first and only super immunodeficient mouse models lacking residual murine Fc gamma receptors (FcγRs) known to confound results in antibody-based therapy studies.

Murine FcγRs can cause false positives or false negatives, leading to incorrect conclusions and derail drug discovery. FcResolv NOG models knock out these receptors for greater clarity in antibody-based drug studies, affording investigators greater confidence and more translatable data with fewer studies and fewer animals. With applicability in oncology, immuno-oncology, and autoimmune disease, FcResolv NOG models are suitable for engrafting a wide range of human cells and tissues, including simultaneous human tumor engraftment and immune system humanization.

“Antibody-based therapies represent one of the fastest-growing classes of drugs, creating a pressing need for better preclinical tools to assess therapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, and bispecific antibodies,” said Dr. Michael Seiler, vice president of commercial products at Taconic. “Taconic’s FcResolv NOG portfolio enables researchers to evaluate drug candidates like these on their own merits, free of interference from residual murine Fc gamma receptor activity.”

FcResolv NOG models eliminate the false negatives that occur when an antibody-based therapeutic’s Fc domain interacts with murine FcγRs as well as the false positives that result when FcγRs trigger residual murine immune activity. They also eliminate costly deconvolution steps otherwise needed to distinguish true drug efficacy from off-target effects mediated through the mouse immune system. With more reliable answers, researchers can target their drug discovery investments more strategically and effectively.

The FcResolv NOG model portfolio is based on the super immunodeficient CIEA NOG mouse®. The portfolio currently includes two models:

  • FcResolv NOG, for tumor xenografts using cell lines or patient-derived tumors, engraftment of other normal or pathological human cells and tissues, and immune system humanization studies
  • FcResolv hIL-15 NOG, which supports engraftment of human NK cells and is suitable for efficacy studies on antibody-based therapeutics with an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mechanism of action

To learn more about the FcResolv NOG portfolio, visit www.Taconic.com/fcresolv. Or call 1-888-TACONIC (888-822-6642) in the US, +45 70 23 04 05 in Europe, or email info@taconic.com.

About Taconic Biosciences, Inc.

Taconic Biosciences is a fully licensed, global leader in genetically engineered rodent models and services. Founded in 1952, Taconic provides the best animal solutions so that customers can acquire, custom-generate, breed, precondition, test, and distribute valuable research models worldwide. Specialists in genetically engineered mouse and rat models, microbiome, immuno-oncology mouse models, and integrated model design and breeding services, Taconic operates service laboratories and breeding facilities in the U.S. and Europe, maintains distributor relationships in Asia and has global shipping capabilities to provide animal models almost anywhere in the world.

Media Contact:

Louise Baskin, Senior Director New Product Pipeline



GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8670208

Taconic Biosciences lance le premier et le seul modèle de souris super immunodéficientes dépourvus de récepteurs Fc Gamma murins résiduels, pour une évaluation améliorée de la thérapie par anticorps

Les modèles FcResolv™ NOG offrent une plus grande clarté et des données plus traduisibles

RENSSELAER, New York, 24 oct. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Taconic Biosciences, un leader mondial dans la fourniture de solutions de modèles animaux pour la découverte de médicaments, a lancé le portefeuille FcResolv™ NOG, les premiers et seuls modèles de souris super immunodéficientes dépourvus de récepteurs Fc Gamma murins résiduels (FcyRs) connus pour fausser les résultats dans les études thérapeutiques à base d’anticorps.

Les FcyRs murins peuvent provoquer de faux positifs ou de faux négatifs, ce qui conduit à des conclusions erronées et fait dérailler la découverte de médicaments. Les modèles FcResolv NOG éliminent ces récepteurs pour une plus grande clarté dans les études médicamenteuses à base d’anticorps, offrant aux chercheurs une plus grande confiance et des données plus traduisibles avec moins d’études et moins d’animaux. Avec une applicabilité en oncologie, en immuno-oncologie et en maladie auto-immune, les modèles FcResolv NOG sont adaptés à la greffe d’un large éventail de cellules et tissus humains, y compris la greffe de tumeurs humaines simultanée et l’humanisation du système immunitaire.

« Les thérapies à base d’anticorps représentent l’une des classes de médicaments à la croissance la plus rapide, créant un besoin urgent de meilleurs outils précliniques pour évaluer des traitements tels que les anticorps monoclonaux, les conjugués anticorps-médicaments et les anticorps bispécifiques », a déclaré le Dr Michael Seiler, vice-président des produits commerciaux chez Taconic. « Le portefeuille de récepteurs FcResolv NOG de Taconic permet aux chercheurs d’évaluer des médicaments candidats tels que ceux-ci selon leurs propres mérites, sans interférence de l’activité résiduelle du récepteur Fc Gamma murin. »

Les modèles FcResolv NOG éliminent les faux négatifs qui se produisent lorsqu’un domaine Fc thérapeutique à base d’anticorps interagit avec les FcyRs murins, ainsi que les faux positifs qui en résultent lorsque les FcyRs déclenchent une activité immunitaire murine résiduelle. Ils éliminent également les étapes de déconvolution coûteuses nécessaires pour distinguer une véritable efficacité médicamenteuse des effets hors cible induits par le système immunitaire de la souris. Grâce à des réponses plus fiables, les chercheurs peuvent cibler leurs investissements dans la découverte de médicaments de manière plus stratégique et plus efficace.

Le portefeuille de modèles NOG FcResolv est basé sur la souris® NOG CIEA super immunodéficiente. Le portefeuille comprend actuellement deux modèles :

  • FcResolv NOG, pour les xérogreffes tumorales utilisant des lignées cellulaires ou des tumeurs dérivées des patients, la greffe d’autres cellules et tissus humains normaux ou pathologiques, et les études d’humanisation du système immunitaire
  • FcResolv hIL-15 NOG, qui supporte la greffe des cellules NK humaines et convient pour des études d’efficacité sur les thérapies à base d’anticorps avec un mécanisme d’action de cytotoxicité cellulaire dépendant des anticorps (ADCC)

Pour en savoir plus sur le portefeuille de FcResolv NOG, rendez-vous sur www.Taconic.com/fcresolv. Vous pouvez également appeler le 1-888-TACONIC (888-822-6642) aux États-Unis, le +45 70 23 04 05 en Europe, ou envoyer un e-mail à l’adresse info@taconic.com.

À propos de Taconic Biosciences, Inc.

Taconic Biosciences est un leader mondial pleinement agréé dans les modèles et les services de rongeurs génétiquement modifiés. Fondée en 1952, Taconic offre les meilleures solutions animales afin que les clients puissent acquérir, générer d’une manière personnalisée, élever, pré-conditionner, tester et distribuer des modèles de recherche précieux dans le monde entier. Spécialiste des modèles de souris et de rats génétiquement modifiés, du microbiome, des modèles de souris pour l’immuno-oncologie et des services de conception de modèles intégrés et d’élevage, Taconic exploite des laboratoires de services et des établissements d’élevage aux États-Unis et en Europe, entretient des relations de distribution en Asie et dispose de capacités d’expédition mondiales pour fournir des modèles animaux presque partout dans le monde.

Contact auprès des médias :

Louise Baskin, directrice principale du nouveau Pipeline de produits



GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8670426

Taconic Biosciences Lança Primeiro e Único Modelo de Camundongo Super Imunodeficiente Sem Receptores Gama Fc Murino Residuais, para Avaliação de Terapia de Anticorpo Aprimorada

Modelos FcResolv™ NOG proporcionam dados mais claros e mais traduzíveis

RENSSELAER, NY, Oct. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Taconic Biosciences, líder global no fornecimento de soluções de modelo animal para descoberta de medicamentos, lançou o portfólio FcResolv™ NOG, o primeiro e único modelo de camundongo superimunodeficiente sem receptores Fc gama murinos residuais (FcγRs) conhecidos por confundir os resultados nos estudos de terapia com base em anticorpos.

Os FcγRs murinos podem causar falsos positivos ou falsos negativos, levando a conclusões incorretas e afetar a descoberta de medicamentos. Os modelos FcResolv NOG eliminam esses receptores para maior clareza nos estudos de medicamentos com base em anticorpos, proporcionando aos investigadores maior confiança e dados mais traduzíveis, com menos estudos e menos animais. Com aplicabilidade em oncologia, imuno-oncologia e doença autoimune, os modelos FcResolv NOG são adequados para enxertos de uma ampla gama de células e tecidos humanos, incluindo enxerto simultâneo de tumor humano e humanização do sistema imunológico.

“As terapias com base em anticorpos são uma das classes de medicamentos de crescimento mais rápido, criando uma necessidade urgente de melhores ferramentas pré-clínicas para a avaliação terapêutica, como de anticorpos monoclonais, conjugados anticorpo-droga e anticorpos biespecíficos”, disse o Dr. Michael Seiler, vice-presidente de produtos comerciais da Taconic. “O portfólio FcResolv NOG da Taconic permite que pesquisadores avaliem candidatos a medicamentos como esses por si próprios, sem interferência da atividade residual do receptor Fc gama murino.”

Os modelos FcResolv NOG eliminam os falsos negativos que ocorrem quando o domínio Fc de um terapêutico com base em anticorpos interage com os FcγRs murinos, bem como os falsos positivos que resultam quando os FcγRs desencadeiam atividade imune murina residual. Eles também eliminam as etapas dispendiosas de desconvolução que normalmente são necessárias para distinguir a verdadeira eficácia do medicamento dos efeitos fora do alvo mediados pelo sistema imunológico do camundongo. Com respostas mais confiáveis, os pesquisadores podem direcionar seus investimentos em descoberta de medicamentos de forma mais estratégica e eficaz.

O portfólio do modelo FcResolv NOG tem como base o CIEA NOG mouse® superimunodeficiente. Atualmente, o portfólio inclui dois modelos:

  • FcResolv NOG, para xenoenxertos de tumores com linhagens celulares ou tumores derivados de pacientes, enxerto de outras células e tecidos humanos normais ou patológicos, e estudos de humanização do sistema imunológico
  • FcResolv hIL-15 NOG, que aceita enxertos de células NK humanas e é adequado para estudos de eficácia em terapêutica com base em anticorpos com um mecanismo de ação de citotoxicidade celular dependente de anticorpos (ADCC)

Para mais informação sobre o portfólio FcResolv NOG, visite www.Taconic.com/fcresolv. Ou ligue para 1-888-TACONIC (888-822-6642) nos EUA, +45 70 23 04 05 na Europa, ou envie email para info@taconic.com.

Sobre a Taconic Biosciences, Inc.

A Taconic Biosciences é uma líder global totalmente licenciada em serviços e modelos geneticamente modificados. Fundada em 1952, a Taconic oferece as melhores soluções/modelos de pesquisas em murinos, para que os clientes possam adquirir, customizar, criar, pré-condicionar, testar e distribuir valiosos modelos de pesquisa em todo o mundo. Especializada em modelos de camundongos e de ratos geneticamente projetados, microbioma, modelos de camundongos imuno-oncologia, e serviços de design e criação de modelos integrados, a Taconic opera laboratórios de serviços e instalações de criação nos EUA e na Europa, mantém relações com distribuidores na Ásia , e tem capacidades de entrega em nível global para oferecer modelos em quase qualquer lugar no mundo.

Contato com a Mídia:

Louise Baskin, Diretora Sênior de Pipeline de Novos Produtos



GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8670426

DTM Turkey Migrant Presence Monitoring – Overview of the Situation with Migrants, Quarterly Report Q3 | July August September 2022

According to the latest available figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 5* million foreign nationals present in Turkish territory, 3.6* million of whom are seeking international protection. Most are Syrians (3,646,278* individuals) who are granted temporary protection status. In addition, international protection applicants from countries including Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq constitute another group of foreign nationals. According to PMM, there were 29,256* international protection applicants present in Türkiye in 20211, published annually. Moreover, according to UNHCR**, there are close to 330,000 international protection status holders and asylum-seekers. Since June 2022 the number of Syrians residing in camps has decreased by 1,392.

Source: International Organization for Migration

SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily’s remarks to the Security Council meeting on Libya – 24 October 2022

Mr. President,

Distinguished Members of the Security Council,

It is a great honour for me to brief you for the first time since I assumed my functions as Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya on 25th September. I look forward to working closely with the Council and trust I will be able to count on your support.

Prior to my arrival in Libya, on 14 October, I engaged with a broad range of representatives of Member States in New York, including Members of the Security Council, and representatives of regional organisations, to hear their thoughts on the situation in Libya and ideas on how to overcome the country’s challenges. I stressed the importance of ensuring that the international community support Libyan efforts in a coordinated manner, rally behind the UN’s lead, and refrain from taking any action that could further deepen divisions.

Mr. President,

The political deadlock persists with no clear end in sight to the prolonged stalemate over the executive. Further, efforts to resolve the remaining outstanding issues related to the constitutional basis for elections do not appear to lead to concrete action by the relevant actors, further delaying prospects for the holding of inclusive, free and fair elections aimed at ending the transition and reinstating the legitimacy of institutions.

To design a response to these daunting political challenges, I have decided to give priority to the consultations with Libyan institutional, political, security and civil society actors from across the country, including the South, East and West.

Therefore, since my arrival in Libya, I have embarked on a series of consultations with a broad range of Libyan political, security and economic actors, as well as representatives of civil society from all regions of the country, to gain a better understanding of the current challenges, possible solutions, and aspirations of the Libyan people.

I am grateful for my interlocutors who have without exception welcomed me and expressed their high hopes for the UN mediation and good offices role.

More specifically, I exchanged views with the President of the Presidential Council, members of the Government of National Unity (GNU), including Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dbeibah, Minister of Foreign Affairs Najla Mangoush and other GNU cabinet members. I also met with the Chief of General Staff, General Haddad, and with the Western members of the Joint Military Committee (JMC). Furthermore, I consulted with the High National Electoral Commission, the National Oil Corporation and the Central Bank of Libya. I further exchanged views with the President of the High State Council, Khaled Mishri, over the phone as he had to travel out of the country the day after my arrived. I travelled to Al Quba to meet the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh. The day before yesterday, I travelled to Benghazi, where I met with Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar, General Commander of the Libyan National Army, the Eastern members of the JMC and the Prime Minister designated by the House of Representatives, Fathi Bashaga. I also met with representatives of women organisations. Yesterday in Tripoli, I received civil society organisations, women candidates for the parliamentary elections, and representatives of women civil society organisations.

Mr. President,

There remain significant differences on how Libyans want to overcome the current crisis. In response to the near unanimous condemnation across the spectrum of the presence of mercenaries, foreign fighters and foreign forces in Libya and the incessant foreign interference in the country’s affairs, I stressed to all my interlocutors that the solution to the crisis must come from inside Libya, on the basis of the will of the Libyan people. I urged the country’s leaders to hear the people’s aspiration for peace, stability, economic development, and a responsive leadership.

Mr. President,

While the ceasefire continues to hold, the security track needs to be reinvigorated as it has been adversely impacted by the protracted political impasse. The violent clashes in Tripoli on 27 August have resulted in a shift in the power balance in the capital, which has deepened tensions between Eastern and Western security actors and led to a fragile stability.

Despite the noticeable decrease in mobilization of armed groups and clashes among them, there are reports of ongoing large-scale recruitment activities. Fighting between armed groups in Zawiya, west of Tripoli, on 25 September, trapped dozens of families for several hours and left at least three civilians killed, including a 10-year-old girl.

Further to my engagements with security actors in the East and the West, I am pleased to report that the 5+5 JMC has agreed to meet under UN auspices in Sirte next Thursday to discuss the resumption of the Commission’s activities to further the implementation of the Ceasefire Agreement.

Regarding the Chief of Staff talks, the two Chiefs of Staff met in Tunis on 12 October on the margins of an air and defence exhibition. An intended visit by the Chief of Defence Staff of the Libyan Army to Benghazi is still pending. I encourage regular exchanges between the two Chiefs of Staff, to give momentum to steps towards the reunification of military institutions.

Mr. President,

Developments in the economic track include the release of the annual reports of the National Audit Bureau and the Administrative Control Authority on the activities of public institutions, including the Central Bank of Libya and the Government of National Unity. In response to some of the findings and recommendations in the reports,Prime Minister Dbeibah announced a series of corrective administrative measures. Investigations were opened into the work of Libyan officials, based on the observations and recommendations in the reports.

Mr. President,

Regrettably, the human rights situation in Libya remains concerning. Violations against migrants and asylum seekers continue with impunity. Arbitrary detention continues as a common practice.

On 7 October, in the aftermath of clashes between rival human-trafficking gangs in the city of Sabratha, eleven charred bodies of persons believed to be migrants were discovered in a docked boat and four more bodies found outside the boat bearing wounds. I note the announcement by the Ministry of Interior of an investigation, which should bring the perpetrators to justice.

I call on Libyan authorities to take immediate and credible measures to address the dire situation of migrants and refugees and dismantle the related trafficking and criminal networks.

Official statistics received by UNMSIL on 1 October show that nearly 11,000 individuals including 55 women are serving sentences in prisons run by the Judicial Police. In addition, nearly 6,000 individuals are in pretrial detention, including 113 women. 135 juveniles are behind bars. The total number represents a 40 percent increase from statistics released in August 2021. Many of those in pre-trial detention, representing a third of the total prison population, are detained with no access to justice. These numbers do not include the approximately 3,243 migrants who are arbitrarily detained in detention centres operated by Government entities.

Libyan authorities should guarantee due process and a fair trial for those detained on credible charges and immediately and unconditionally release all persons who are arbitrarily detained.

Mr. President,

On 12 October, the co-chairs of the Working Group on International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights of the International Follow-up Committee on Libya, in collaboration with the Presidency Council and the African Union, organised a briefing on national reconciliation by experts who shared best practices and other national experiences in this area. The meeting highlighted the role of victims at the centre of effective, rights-based reconciliation processes, the need to rebuild trust in State institutions, and the criticality of ensuring inclusivity and women’s meaningful representation and participation. The experts also stressed the importance of ensuring that reconciliation efforts are effectively linked to the political process.

On 18 October, I met the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Congo in his capacity as representative of the Chairperson of the AU High-Level Committee on Libya. He briefed me on the outcome of the meeting that had just concluded during which the AU discussed preparations for a national reconciliation meeting with Libyan counterparts.

Mr. President,

The situation in Libya calls for a consensus State re-legitimation process. Legitimate institutions capable of providing for the basic needs of the people must be established on the basis of a genuine political will. In this process, the conduct of legislative and presidential elections is paramount. I will intensify consultations with relevant actors to progress towards an agreement on the necessary parameters to reach this objective, including during the upcoming Summit of the League of Arab States. It will be important for your august body to coordinate messaging and stress upon Libyan actors the need to work together, in a sincere and committed manner, towards elections. Your unified call for more coherence and coordination in the action of international actors would also be precious to UNSMIL’s endeavour.

In the coming weeks, I intend to:

Undertake to facilitate a meeting between the main leaders of the House of Representatives and High State Council to understand the commitments announced in Rabat on 21st October and agree on political, constitutional, legal and security measures to advance preparations for elections as soon as possible in keeping with the aspirations clearly expressed by the Libyan people.

I intend also to travel to Sirte on 27th October to resume the 5+5 JMC work and revive the security track. On that basis, we will also reinvigorate the political and economic tracks.

Finally, work to mobilise the support of the international community to ensure that we all coordinate in coherence with the above approach.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Source: United nation

Central African Republic: Situation Report, 24 Oct 2022

Humanitarian actors provided life-saving assistance to 1.2 million people in the first half of 2022, representing 60 – per cent of the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) target.

Thousands of Central Africans affected by recent torrential rains.

After several years of displacement, humanitarian and development actors are helping internally displaced persons and refugees to resume a normal life.

With 50 per cent of the population not eating enough, CAR has one of the highest proportions of critically food-insecure people in the world.

The humanitarian community in CAR plans to provide multi-sectoral assistance to 2 million people in 2022. US$461.3 million are required.


Floods continue to affect the Central African Republic

Since June 2022, floods in the Central African Republic (CAR) have affected some 85,300 people, destroyed more than 2,600 houses and 18,500 hectares of crops, damaged numerous other infrastructures and displaced more than 6,000 people. At the end of September, six schools were still occupied by flood victims, jeopardizing the start of the 2022-2023 school year for 10,000 children.

More than 176 town and villages have been affected by floods in 12 of the country’s 17 prefectures. The northern Vakaga Prefecture has been the most affected with 24,000 flood victims, followed by the capital Bangui (20,400 victims) and the Ouham Prefecture (13,000 victims). These latest floods come at a time when humanitarian needs have increased exponentially across the country, with 63 per cent of the Central African population in need of assistance and protection – 3.1 million people.

The last major floods occurred in 2019. Some 100,000 people lost their homes and access to clean water, and most of them were forced to move to temporary sites or host families. At that time, 3 per cent of all displaced people in the Central African Republic were displaced by natural disasters.

In response to the current situation, the Government’s strategy is to provide humanitarian assistance in the affected neighborhoods, coupled with disaster mitigation and recovery measures.

Disaster victims need assistance

Since July, the Ministry of Humanitarian Action, Solidarity and National Reconciliation has brought together specialized state actors, representatives of the affected districts, humanitarian and development actors, and the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) to set up a coordinated response structure, co-facilitated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

Complementing the Government’s efforts, the humanitarian community has provided a multi-sectoral emergency response to more than 43,000* people. 11,000 families received shelter kits to rebuild their houses and 10,000 families received essential household items, such as buckets, blankets, sleeping mats and kitchen utensils. Tens of thousands of water purification tablets were distributed to prevent waterborne diseases, boreholes and wells were rehabilitated, mobile clinics ensured people’s access to healthcare and food, cash and food vouchers, as well as school supplies were distributed.

The largest number of people were assisted in Ouham Prefecture with 17,300 people, followed by 17,000 people in the capital Bangui. But many affected people have yet to receive assistance – resources are scarce and physical access to some of the affected regions is very difficult during the rainy season, for example in the Vakaga Prefecture, where floods have affected 24,000 people, as well as in Haute-Kotto. According to weather forecasts, there is a risk of further flooding before the end of the rainy season, which lasts from April to October.

Humanitarian actors continue consolidating their emergency stocks to fill any gaps not covered by the Government assistance, in a context where resources to meet the humanitarian needs are heavily stretched. At the end of September, only 71 per cent of the USD 461 million needed in the framework of the Humanitarian Response Plan for CAR have been mobilized.

Mitigation measures

The floods come after the adoption of the new National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management on 13 July. It is built around four strategic axes, including risk identification and analysis, disaster risk governance, strengthening disaster risk management mechanisms, and disaster emergency management. However, the operationalization of the implementing bodies awaits the signing of a presidential decree.

In September 2020, the NGO REACH published a study of flood susceptibility in populated areas. The study developed a flood risk score, aimed at improving emergency preparedness initiatives, and supporting planning and decision-making. Funded by the Humanitarian Fund for the Central African Republic (CAR), the data from this study was cross-referenced with data from multi-sectoral needs assessments conducted in 2019. The final result was made available to the authorities, revealing, for example, higher impact risks of flooding in Ouham and Kémo Prefectures (more than 203,000 people at high risk), while Nana-Mambéré and Ouham-Pendé had low risk scores.

The study also showed that most Central African settlements are located next to rivers and their basins, around which people’s livelihoods are developed. The banks of these rivers tend to overflow with increasing amounts of rainfall collected in the basins. Thus, if infrastructure adaptation, as well as contingency planning are not developed, downstream interventions will not be sufficient for populations already battered by more than a decade of conflict and several other shocks.

For better preparedness

To ensure optimal preparation for flooding, a Technical Operational Committee was set up in 2020 under the aegis of the Ministry of Humanitarian Action, Solidarity and National Reconciliation, with the participation of OCHA, the DGPC, the Central African Red Cross, MINUSCA and the Bangui City Council. This new structure has coordinated field visits in Bangui to identify areas at risk and priority preparedness measures.

The extensive impacts of the floods highlighted coordination problems in terms of standardizing the data provided by various actors, the lack of people trained in post-disaster assessments and the lack of clear guidelines for assessments. The lack of a common data storage/management platform, including mapping, has also been a weakness.

In response, OCHA in collaboration with the NGO REACH and the IFRC, has been building the capacity of 45 volunteers from the National Red Cross and the DGPC on post-disaster assessment since 2021. These volunteers are currently part of the teams assessing the situation.

* Other vulnerable people than those directly affected by the floods benefited from humanitarian assistance, for example people who benefited from the rehabilitation of wells in their neighborhoods.

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Lisa Cole Joins Cellebrite as Chief Marketing Officer

Lisa Cole
Lisa Cole

PETAH TIKVA, Israel and TYSONS CORNER, Va., Oct. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a global leader in Digital Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced Lisa Cole as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO).

As CMO for the leading global Digital Intelligence provider, Lisa will be responsible for the company’s overall marketing strategy and execution, which includes brand, public relations, product marketing, demand generation, and marketing operations.

“With the recent surge in crime and digital sophistication of criminals at a time of strained budgets and staff, protecting and serving citizens is harder than ever before,” said Lisa Cole, Chief Marketing Officer at Cellebrite. “Cellebrite empowers the world’s leading agencies and enterprises to modernize their investigative workflows and culture to close the widening public safety gap. I am honored to be part of Cellebrite’s next phase of growth and look forward to driving greater adoption of Digital Intelligence solutions to make the world a safer place.”

Prior to joining Cellebrite, Lisa was the Vice President of Corporate Marketing at FARO. Before FARO, she was the Chief Marketing Officer at Huron. Her transformative work for both companies improved performance and resulted in three prestigious honors: the 2022 Forrester Return on Integration (ROI) Award, SiriusDecisions’ 2018 ROI Award, and Demand Gen Report’s 2018 B2B Innovator Award. Lisa holds a BS in Marketing Management from Western Governors University.

“As Cellebrite continues to grow and evolve, it is critical that the company adjusts and pivots as needed to drive growth and success,” said Yossi Carmil, Chief Executive Officer of Cellebrite. “Lisa will help strategically elevate our marketing efforts to drive sales and further develop the company’s leadership position in the Digital Intelligence marketplace.”

About Cellebrite

Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Intelligence platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at www.cellebrite.com, https://investors.cellebrite.com, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite_UFED.

Cellebrite Media
Victor Cooper
Public Relations and Corporate Communications Director
+1 404.804.5910

Investor Relations

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8669451

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Announces Additional Support to Promote Locally Led R&D; Calls for Proposals 

BRUSSELS, Oct. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced a series of initiatives and a call for proposals to advance locally-led innovation that supports work by scientists and researchers in developing economies. The announcement was made at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting earlier today.

This year’s meeting focuses on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlighted the need for high-impact R&D platforms, partnerships, and policies that effectively bridge the gap between innovation and equitable access. The meeting brings together researchers from around the world to share work, learn about cutting-edge advances in the health care field, and collaborate with other investigators.

“Health equity shouldn’t just be a statement of why we do this work. It should guide how we do it,” said Kedest Tesfagiorgis, deputy director of Global Partnerships & Grand Challenges at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “When we support locally led innovation, we maximize impact by bringing different kinds of knowledge and perspectives to the fore.”

As part of the Grand Challenges Global Call to Action, a 10-year initiative announced at last year’s meeting to help ensure scientists and institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) play a central role in shaping the global R&D agenda, the foundation announced two new Grand Challenges initiatives:

  • Pathogen Genomic Surveillance and Immunology in Asia : This is an invitation for proposals from investigators in South and Southeast Asia to design and pilot a genomic surveillance program or develop capacity for immunology and immune sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 to inform epidemic response. Up to $300,000 per year for up to two years will be available for each project, with potential additional funding for projects that include a focus on monoclonal antibody discovery.
  • Building Data Modeling Capacity for Gender Equality : This is an invitation for proposals from investigators in low- and middle-income countries for projects aimed at addressing disparities and gaps affecting women and girls in health. This initiative is focused on innovative approaches to modeling that advance gender equality. Each project will receive up to $500,000 over one to three years.

“Societies measure what they value, and for most of history, society hasn’t valued women. This means we’re trying to tackle global health and development challenges with missing information,” said Anita Zaidi, president of the Gender Equality division at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “It is long past time to put women and girls at the center of the data modeling that guides our solutions.”

In partnership with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), the foundation will also provide grants to researchers investigating and detecting emerging pathogens in LMICs. Researchers will receive up to $200,000 each for up to two years, as well as operational support and technical training from the ChanZuckerberg Biohub (CZ Biohub). This funding commitment builds on a 2018 partnership between the foundation, CZI, and the CZ Biohub that is focused on building metagenomics capacity in LMICs through a Global Grand Challenges initiative.

The 2022 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels is hosted by Global Grand Challenges and the European Commission, and co-sponsored by Grand Challenges Canada, USAID, Wellcome, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The two-day event features dozens of leaders from across the global health innovation landscape, as well as Gates Foundation leadership, including Bill Gates (co-chair and trustee); Anita Zaidi; and Trevor Mundel (president, Global Health Division). The plenary sessions will be posted shortly after the meeting at grandchallenges.org/annualmeeting.

About Grand Challenges

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recognizes that solving the most pressing challenges in global health and development requires more of the world’s brightest minds working on them. The Grand Challenges family of initiatives seeks to engage innovators from around the world to solve these challenges. Grand Challenges initiatives are united by their focus on fostering innovation, directing research to where it will have the most impact, and serving those most in need. To learn more, visit grandchallenges.org.

About the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Mark Suzman, under the direction of Co-chairs Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates and the board of trustees.

Media contact: media@gatesfoundation.org