O HTEC Group adquire a Mistral Technologies para aumentar a sua base de engenharia no sudeste da Europa para mais de 2000 profissionais

SÃO FRANCISCO, Sept. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O HTEC Group (“HTEC”) (www.htecgroup.com), uma empresa global de consultoria, engenharia de software e desenvolvimento de produtos digitais com sede em São Francisco, anunciou hoje a aquisição da Mistral Technologies, com sede em Sarajevo. Unindo forças com a equipa de 300 pessoas da Mistral, a HTEC é agora a maior empresa de tecnologia da Bósnia e Herzegovina, empregando cerca de 600 especialistas no país.

Globalmente, a equipa da HTEC cresceu para mais de 2000 funcionários, com centros de desenvolvimento no sudeste da Europa – onde a empresa opera em seis países – tendo escritórios criativos e de consultoria localizados em Silicon Valley, Londres, Nova Iorque, Minneapolis, Amesterdão, Estocolmo e Gotemburgo. Ao combinar o pensamento de design localizado em Silicon Valley com os melhores talentos de engenharia do sudeste da Europa em mais de 20 locais, a HTEC oferece apoio a clientes globais com desenvolvimento de produtos digitais, desde estratégia e conceptualização ao design e engenharia ágil em escala.

A Mistral, o mais novo membro do HTEC Group, foi fundada em Saraievo em 2010 e posicionou-se como o empregador de eleição para talentos de engenharia na Bósnia e Herzegovina, uma impressionante carteira de clientes de empresas da Fortune 500.

“Criar relacionamentos fortes com base na confiança, oferecendo excelência e criando valor adicional para as nossas valiosas parcerias com clientes sempre esteve na vanguarda da nossa estratégia, além de um ambiente de trabalho centrado nas pessoas. Estamos perfeitamente alinhados com o HTEC Group em termos de valores e de prestação de serviços e estou confiante de que, em breve, nos tornaremos no parceiro mais desejado globalmente, para os desafios de engenharia mais complexos”, comentou Mersed Camdzic, cofundador e CEO da Mistral.

“Tenho o prazer de dizer que hoje adquirimos a Mistral Technologies, uma das melhores empresas de tecnologia da região, claramente líder de mercado na Bósnia e Herzegovina, com paixão, habilidades de liderança, excelência em engenharia e valores da empresa semelhantes aos nossos. No futuro, continuaremos a reunir os profissionais técnicos e criativos mais talentosos do sudeste da Europa e a expô-los a oportunidades de mercado global”, disse Aleksandar Cabrilo, cofundador e CEO da HTEC.

Le groupe HTEC acquiert Mistral Technologies pour étendre sa base d’ingénierie à plus de 2 000 professionnels en Europe du Sud-Est

SAN FRANCISCO, 02 sept. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le groupe HTEC (« HTEC ») (www.htecgroup.com), une société mondiale de conseil, d’ingénierie logicielle et de développement de produits numériques basée à San Francisco, a annoncé aujourd’hui l’acquisition de Mistral Technologies, basées à Sarajevo. En s’associant à l’équipe de 300 personnes de Mistral, HTEC constitue désormais la plus grande entreprise technologique de Bosnie-Herzégovine, employant près de 600 experts dans le pays.

À l’échelle mondiale, l’équipe de HTEC s’est développée pour atteindre plus de 2 000 employés, avec des centres de développement dans toute l’Europe du Sud-Est, où la société opère dans six pays, avec des bureaux de conseil et de création situés dans la Silicon Valley, Londres, New York, Minneapolis, Amsterdam, Stockholm et Göteborg. En combinant une réflexion de conception basée sur la Silicon Valley avec les meilleurs des talents en ingénierie SEE sur plus de 20 sites, HTEC soutient les clients mondiaux avec le développement de produits numériques, de la stratégie et de la conceptualisation à la conception et à l’ingénierie flexible à grande échelle.

Mistral, le plus récent membre du groupe HTEC, a été fondée à Sarajevo en 2010 et s’est positionnée comme l’employeur de choix pour les talents en ingénierie en Bosnie-Herzégovine, un impressionnant portefeuille de clients d’entreprises Fortune 500.

« Établir des relations solides basées sur la confiance, offrir l’excellence et créer une valeur supplémentaire pour nos partenariats clients privilégiés a toujours été au premier plan de notre stratégie, tout en fournissant un environnement de travail axé sur les personnes. Nous sommes parfaitement alignés avec le groupe HTEC en termes de valeurs et de prestation de services et je suis convaincu que nous deviendrons bientôt le partenaire de choix le plus recherché à l’échelle mondiale, pour les défis d’ingénierie les plus complexes », a commenté Mersed Camdzic, cofondateur et PDG de Mistral.

« Je suis heureux de dire qu’aujourd’hui, nous avons acquis Mistral Technologies, l’une des meilleures sociétés technologiques de la région, clairement un leader du marché en Bosnie-Herzégovine, avec la passion, les compétences en leadership, l’excellence en ingénierie et les valeurs de l’entreprise qui correspondent aux nôtres. À l’avenir, nous continuerons de réunir les professionnels techniques et créatifs de loin les plus talentueux d’Europe du Sud-Est et de les exposer aux opportunités du marché mondial », a déclaré Aleksandar Cabrilo, cofondateur et PDG de HTEC.

HTEC Group acquires Mistral Technologies to Expand its Engineering Base in Southeast Europe to Over 2,000 Professionals

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — HTEC Group (“HTEC”) (www.htecgroup.com), a global consulting, software engineering and digital product development company based in San Francisco, today announced that it has acquired Sarajevo-based Mistral Technologies. Joining forces with Mistral’s team of 300, HTEC is now the largest technology company in Bosnia and Herzegovina employing close to 600 experts in the country.

Globally, HTEC’s team has grown to over 2,000 employees, with development centers across Southeast Europe — where the company operates in six countries — with creative and consulting offices located in the Silicon Valley, London, New York, Minneapolis, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Gothenburg. By combining Silicon Valley-based design thinking with the best of SEE engineering talent in more than 20 locations, HTEC supports global clients with digital product development, from strategy and conceptualization to design and agile engineering on scale.

Mistral, the newest member of HTEC Group, was founded in Sarajevo in 2010, and has positioned itself as the employer of choice for engineering talent in Bosnia and Herzegovina, an impressive client portfolio of Fortune 500 companies.

“Building strong relationships based on trust, delivering excellence and creating additional value for our prized client partnerships has always been at the forefront of our strategy alongside providing a people centric work environment. We are perfectly aligned with HTEC Group in terms of our values and service delivery and I am confident we will soon become the most desired partner of choice globally, for the most complex engineering challenges,” commented Mersed Camdzic, Mistral co-founder and CEO.

“I am happy to say that today we acquired Mistral Technologies, one of the best technology companies in the region, clearly a market leader in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the passion, leadership skills, engineering excellence and company values that match our own. Going forward, we will continue to bring together by far the most talented technical and creative professionals in Southeast Europe and expose them to global market opportunities,” said Aleksandar Cabrilo, HTEC co-founder and CEO.

Deriv X – uma plataforma de CFD Trading altamente customizável

Índices de Volatilidade – Deriv X

Índices de Volatilidade – Deriv X

América do Sul, Ásia, Áfica, Sept. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv Group Ltd, um provedor internacional de plataformas e serviços de trading, lançou uma plataforma de CFD Trading, a Deriv X, uma versão White Label da DXtrade.

A mais nova adição aos produtos do grupo Deriv, a Deriv X, foi desenvolvida com desenvolvedores da Devexperts, uma provedora de softwares para empresas internacionais do ramo financeiro, baseando-se na DXtrade, uma solução no modelo SaaS de trading da Devexperts.

A Deriv X, sendo altamente customizável, oferece trading de CFD nos mercados financeiros mais populares – Forex, commodities e criptomoedas. A Deriv também disponibiliza índices sintéticos nessa plataforma. Esses índices estão disponíveis para negociação 24 horas dia, todos os dias da semana e mimetizam os movimentos de mercado real, porém sem influência de eventos políticos e econômicos. Índices sintéticos oferecem uma experiência de usuário diferenciada aos clientes, sendo baseados em um gerador de números aleatórios criptograficamente seguro, auditados periodicamente por um órgão terceiro para comprovar a sua imparcialidade. Essas características únicas fazem dos índices sintéticos um dos instrumentos de operações mais populares entre os clientes da Deriv.

A Deriv X também está equipada com muitas ferramentas de trading, fazendo da plataforma uma ótima escolha para traders iniciantes ou profissionais.

Para iniciantes, algumas das características principais são:

  • Uma interface customizável, permitindo que os widgets possam ser arrastados e encaixados, criando assim layouts únicos em múltiplos espaços
  • Um diário de operações e um painel de controle integrados para armazenar todos os registros e ajudar no acompanhamento e análise de sua atividade de trading
  • Um gráfico com mais de 90 indicadores e 13 ferramentas de desenho para que traders tenham controle na análise de várias operações ao mesmo tempo
Faça trade em Forex na Deriv X

Faça trade em Forex na Deriv X

Traders profissionais, por sua vez, podem desfrutar de vantagens como:

  • Múltiplos widgets que podem ser configurados em um espaço de trabalho e realocados de um espaço para outro, ou até mesmo em janelas separadas. Por exemplo, se um trader se baseia em análises técnicas, ele pode criar um espaço de trabalho composto unicamente por widgets de gráficos
  • Fechamento parcial de posições, que permitem que traders possam implementar estratégias de trading e operações de risco mais complexas
  • Operações com um clique, que podem ser habilitadas vinculando listas de controle personalizadas entre os widgets

Todas essas ferramentas estão disponíveis na Deriv X e podem ser acessadas através da plataforma de operações web e nos aplicativos móveis de trading para iOS/Android. Essa plataforma está atualmente disponível para os traders de todos os continentes, exceto para os que residem na Europa.

Jean-Yves Sireau, CEO da Deriv, deu sua opinião sobre o lançamento da Deriv X: “O pensamento inovador sempre foi o pilar da nossa estratégia de crescimento. A Deriv trabalha continuamente para a introdução de novos produtos e serviços, de modo a oferecer tecnologias de ponta aos nossos clientes, aumentando mais ainda sua probabilidade de sucesso. Nossos clientes são colocados no centro de todas as nossas ações, e utilizamos todos os nossos recursos para que eles estejam sempre à frente do mercado”.

Vitaly Kudinov, Vice-presidente Sênior da Devexperts, acrescenta: “Startups e brokers bem estabelecidos têm conhecimento de que plataformas de trading não são apenas meras ferramentas, plataformas de trading são os elementos chave de seus negócios. O sucesso de um broker depende, em sua grande maioria, do quão direta e simples é a usabilidade de sua plataforma para os clientes, e ainda, sobre o quão rapidamente essa plataforma pode dar suporte para contas em escalas de duas, cinco, dez ou até cem vezes mais. Para chegar nesse patamar, alguns brokers vêm desenvolvendo seus próprios softwares, o que pode ser trabalhoso e custoso. A criação da usabilidade e escalabilidade da Deriv X foi extremamente curta, uma vez que se trata de uma versão White Label da DXtrade. Fico muito animado em ver o crescimento da comunidade internacional de traders da Deriv utilizando a Deriv X – uma plataforma que construímos com entusiasmo e integridade.”

Sobre a Deriv
A Deriv é um dos brokers que está há mais tempo na indústria. Iniciando sua história em 1999, com apenas um escritório e que não para de crescer, hoje conta com 16 escritórios em 13 países e mais de 850 funcionários. A principal missão da Deriv é de democratizar ferramentas de trading a todos, em qualquer lugar. De fato, a empresa vem avançando em direção ao seu objetivo, constantemente introduzindo novas plataformas e serviços à sua base de clientes que não para de crescer.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em:




Deriv X – une plateforme de trading CFD personnalisable à souhait

Amérique du Sud, Asie, Afrique, 02 sept. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv Group Ltd, fournisseur international de plateformes et de services de trading, a lancé une plateforme de trading de CFD, Deriv X, une version en marque blanche de DXtrade.

Deriv X, le dernier-né de la gamme de plateformes de trading du groupe Deriv, a été développé en collaboration avec Devexperts, un fournisseur de logiciels pour les sociétés financières internationales, sur la base de DXtrade, la solution de trading SaaS de Devexperts.

Deriv X, personnalisable à souhait, propose le trading de CFD sur les marchés financiers les plus populaires – forex, matières premières et cryptomonnaies. Deriv a également intégré ses indices synthétiques exclusifs à la plateforme. Ces indices sont disponibles pour le trading 24h/24 et 7j/7 et imitent les mouvements réels du marché sans être affectés par les événements politiques et économiques. Les indices synthétiques offrent une expérience différente aux clients et sont basés sur un générateur de nombres aléatoires cryptographiquement sécurisé et régulièrement audité par un tiers indépendant pour l’équité. Ces caractéristiques uniques font des indices synthétiques l’un des instruments de trading les plus populaires parmi les clients de Deriv.

Indices de volatilité - Deriv X

Indices de volatilité – Deriv X

Deriv X est également équipé d’une large gamme d’outils de trading, faisant de la plateforme un excellent choix pour les débutants et les traders professionnels.

Les débutants peuvent bénéficier de fonctionnalités clés, notamment :

  • Une interface personnalisable qui permet aux traders de glisser et déposer des widgets, créant ainsi des mises en page uniques dans plusieurs espaces de travail.
  • Un journal de trading intégré et un tableau de bord pour stocker tous les rapports et aider à suivre et analyser l’activité de trading.
  • Un graphique avec plus de 90 indicateurs et 13 outils de dessin pour permettre aux traders d’analyser plusieurs transactions simultanément.

Tradez le Forex sur Deriv X

Tradez le Forex sur Deriv X

Alors que les traders professionnels peuvent également profiter de ces avantages :

  • De multiples widgets pouvant être configurés dans un espace de travail et déplacés d’un espace de travail à un autre ou même dans une fenêtre distincte. Par exemple, si un trader s’appuie sur l’analyse technique, il peut créer un espace de travail composé uniquement de widgets graphiques.
  • La fermeture partielle de la position, qui permet aux traders de mettre en œuvre des stratégies de trading plus complexes en matière de gestion des risques.
  • Le trading en un clic que les traders peuvent activer en reliant des listes de surveillance personnalisables à travers des widgets.

Toutes ces fonctionnalités sont disponibles sur Deriv X et accessibles via la plateforme de trading en ligne et l’application de trading mobile iOS/Android. La plateforme est actuellement disponible pour les traders du monde entier, à l’exception de ceux résidant en Europe.

Jean-Yves Sireau, PDG de Deriv, a commenté le lancement de Deriv X : ” L’innovation a toujours été au cœur de notre stratégie de développement. Deriv travaille en permanence à l’introduction de nouveaux produits et services afin de donner à nos clients la possibilité d’utiliser les dernières technologies et de maximiser leurs chances de réussite. Nous plaçons nos clients au centre de tout ce que nous faisons, et nous utilisons toutes nos ressources pour les aider à avoir toujours une longueur d’avance sur le marché.”

Vitaly Kudinov, Vice-Président du développement commercial chez Devexperts a déclaré : “Les startups et les brokers confirmés savent que les plateformes de trading ne sont pas de simples outils. Les plateformes de trading sont des éléments clés de leur activité. Le succès d’un broker dépend fortement de la simplicité et de la convivialité de sa plateforme pour les clients, ainsi que de la facilité et de la rapidité avec lesquelles elle peut être mise à l’échelle pour prendre en charge des comptes utilisateurs x2, x5, x10, voire x100. Pour y parvenir, certains brokers créent leur propre logiciel, ce qui est un parcours long et coûteux. Le chemin pour créer l’ergonomie et l’adaptabilité de la plateforme Deriv X a été extrêmement court puisqu’il s’agit d’une marque blanche de DXtrade. Je suis ravi de voir la communauté internationale des traders de Deriv profiter de Deriv X – une plateforme que nous avons construite avec passion et intégrité.”

À propos de Deriv
Deriv est l’un des plus anciens brokers du secteur. Son histoire commence en 1999, avec un seul bureau et se poursuit aujourd’hui avec 16 bureaux dans 13 pays différents et plus de 850 membres d’équipe. La mission première de Deriv est de rendre le trading accessible à tous, partout. Et la société progresse certainement vers son objectif, en introduisant constamment de nouvelles plateformes et de nouveaux services pour sa clientèle croissante.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Des photos accompagnant ce communiqué sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes :



Deriv X – a highly customisable CFD trading platform

South America, Asia, Africa, Sept. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv Group Ltd, an international provider of trading platforms and services, has launched a CFD trading platform, Deriv X, a white-labelled version of DXtrade.

Deriv X, the newest addition to Deriv Group’s suite of trading platforms, was developed alongside Devexperts, a software provider for global financial companies, based on DXtrade, Devexperts’ SaaS trading solution.

The highly customisable Deriv X offers CFD trading on the most popular financial markets – forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Deriv has also incorporated its proprietary synthetic indices into the platform. These indices are available to trade 24/7 and mimic real-world market movements while remaining unaffected by political and economic events. Synthetic indices offer a different UX to clients and are based on a cryptographically secure random number generator and regularly audited by an independent third party for fairness. These unique features make synthetic indices one of the most popular trading instruments among Deriv’s clients.

Volatility indices - Deriv X

Volatility indices – Deriv X

Deriv X is also equipped with a wide range of trading tools, making the platform a great choice for beginners and professional traders.

Beginners can benefit from key features, including:

  • A customisable interface that allows traders to drag and drop widgets, creating unique layouts in multiple workspaces
  • An embedded trading journal and dashboard to store all logs and help track and analyse trading activity
  • A chart with 90+ indicators and 13 drawing tools to enable traders to analyse multiple trades simultaneously

Trade Forex on Deriv X

Trade Forex on Deriv X

While professional traders can also take advantage of:

  • Multiple widgets that can be set up in a workspace moved from one workspace to another or even to a separate window. For example, if a trader relies on technical analysis, they can craft a workspace consisting of just chart widgets.
  • Partial position closure, which allows traders to implement more complex risk management trading strategies
  • One-click trading that traders can enable by linking customisable watchlists across widgets

All these features are available on Deriv X and accessible via the web-based trading platform and iOS/Android mobile trading app. The platform is currently available to traders worldwide, except for those residing in Europe.

Jean-Yves Sireau, CEO of Deriv, commented on the launch of Deriv X: “Innovative thinking has always been the core of our growth strategy. Deriv is continuously working on introducing new products and services to give our clients the opportunity to utilise the latest technology, maximising their probability of success. We put our clients at the centre of everything we do, and use all our resources to help them always be one step ahead of the market.”

Vitaly Kudinov, SVP of Business Development at Devexperts said: “Startups and established brokers know that trading platforms are not merely tools. Trading platforms are key elements of their business. Broker success depends heavily on how simple and user-friendly their platform is for clients and how smoothly and quickly it can be scaled to support x2, x5, x10, and even x100 user accounts. To achieve this, some brokers are building their own software, which is a long and expensive route. The path to creating usability and scalability for the Deriv X platform was extremely short since it’s a white-label of DXtrade. I am excited to see Deriv’s international community of traders enjoying Deriv X – a platform we built with passion and integrity.”

About Deriv
Deriv is one of the oldest brokers in the industry. Its story starts back in 1999, with only one office and continues to this day with 16 offices in 13 different countries and over 850 team members. Deriv’s primary mission is to make trading available to everyone, everywhere. And the company is certainly moving towards its goal, constantly introducing new platforms and services to its growing clientele list.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:



Yemen: Huthis ‘suffocating’ women with requirement for male guardians [EN/AR]

The Huthi de facto authorities must end their mahram (male guardian) requirement, which bans women from travelling without a male guardian or evidence of their written approval across governorates under Huthi control or to other areas of Yemen, Amnesty International said today.

Increasingly since April, tightened Huthi restrictions have hindered Yemeni women from carrying out their work, especially those who are required to travel. The restraints imposed by the mahram requirement also apply to Yemeni female humanitarian workers who have struggled to conduct fieldwork, thereby directly impacting access to aid for Yemenis in need and particularly for women and girls.

“The Huthi de facto authorities must immediately lift the mahram requirement. This restrictive rule constitutes a form of gender-based discrimination and entrenches the discrimination faced by women in Yemen on a daily basis. Yemeni women urgently need to be able to move around the country freely in order to work, to seek health care and to give or receive humanitarian aid,” said Diana Semaan, Acting Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa.

“The international community should pressure the Huthis to stop imposing mahram restrictions on women. Yemen is already facing a catastrophic humanitarian crisis, and there is now a very real risk that women and girls will stop receiving aid if women humanitarian workers continue to be banned from travelling without a male guardian.”

Under international humanitarian law, all parties to the armed conflict in Yemen, including the Huthis, must facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of impartial humanitarian assistance to civilians in need and ensure the freedom of movement of humanitarian relief personnel without discrimination. The mahram restriction is contrary to this obligation.

The mahram requirement, which is not part of Yemeni law is being enforced by the Huthis through verbal directives. Since April, the Huthi de facto authorities have increasingly insisted on the mahram requirement to restrict the movement of women across areas they control in northern Yemen, including Saada, Dhamar, Hodeidah and Hajjah governorates, and Sanaa.

Amnesty International interviewed five women activists and members of local organizations, all of whom were subjected to the mahram requirement when attempting to travel for work between April and August, and seven experts with knowledge of how mahram restrictions have impacted the delivery of humanitarian aid.

‘They are suffocating us’

In early August, multiple car rental companies told Afrah*, 36, that she could not rent a car to travel from Sanaa to Aden governorate for work unless she travelled with a male guardian.

“My husband had to take leave from his work, and I had to take my daughter out of her school so that I could meet the mahram requirement and be able to travel to Aden for my work,” she told Amnesty International. “We had to submit to the authorities copies of our IDs, the family record that proves we are married, and a birth certificate for my daughter to be able to rent a car and travel.

“The mahram restriction gives men more control over our lives and allows them to micromanage our movement and activities. They are suffocating us.”

Noura*, 48, was blocked from renting a car to travel across governates in July unless she could provide written approval from her younger brother.

“My brother, who is supposed to be my mahram, is 10 years younger than me,” she told Amnesty International. “When he gave me his written approval note, he apologized that he had to do this for me.”

When Eman*, 35, was travelling in a rental car from Sanaa to Aden governorate in April, she was stopped at a security checkpoint in Sanaa for six hours. Despite presenting written approval from her mahram, the checkpoint officer verbally harassed her and threatened to physically assault her if she got out of the car.

She told Amnesty International: “The man in charge of the checkpoint was yelling at me. He said ‘where is your mahram? Aren’t you ashamed of travelling alone? How did your parents allow you?’ … Then, he took all my documents and my bag, and asked me where I was going and if I worked with an NGO… He said ‘I will not let you go without a problem’.”

Impeding access for humanitarian aid workers

According to seven experts with knowledge of the humanitarian situation and a recent report on humanitarian access in Yemen by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the mahram requirement became prevalent across Huthi controlled areas in the second quarter of 2022, which made the travel of female national staff very challenging for all humanitarian agencies and led to the repeated cancellation of humanitarian aid deliveries.

The experts told Amnesty International that women aid workers who do not have a mahram for travel purposes are increasingly unable to carry out their work. This reality has particularly limited women and girls’ access to desperately needed aid and healthcare services that are only provided by female aid workers. They added that mahram restrictions could lead to women aid workers leaving their positions at humanitarian organizations and consequently struggling to support their families.

One expert told Amnesty International: “The mahram requirement impedes the ability of humanitarian organizations to access all parts of the community and country to deliver aid in a timely manner, and this affects all humanitarian programming, which requires female humanitarian workers to work closely with women and girls. If female staff can’t get access to different parts of the country, it not only stops them from being able to do their lifesaving work, but it negatively impacts the quality of the humanitarian response.”

A second expert added: “The mahram requirement is not only affecting protection programmes but also health care and reproductive programmes and any humanitarian assistance that requires local female staff to be present and deliver aid to women and girls.”


According to local rights organization Mwatana for Human Rights, Huthi restrictions for women have grown increasingly repressive since 2017. Women and girls have been denied access to reproductive health care, banned from working in some governorates, forced into gender segregation in public spaces, and required to follow the mahram restrictions.

Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Press Conference by Security Council President on Programme of Work for September

The crisis in Ukraine will be at the heart of the Security Council’s considerations during September, its President for the month told a United Nations Headquarters press conference today, also noting that its programme of work will account for the commencement of the high-level debate opening the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly.

Nicolas de Rivière (France), holding the 15-nation Council’s rotating presidency for September, emphasized his delegation’s support for strong, effective multilateralism. “The challenges the Council faces are well-known,” he observed, detailing the balanced programme of work that will encompass the usual meetings on the Middle East — focusing on Syria, Lebanon and Yemen — as well as a number of meetings concerning Sudan, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. On 27 September, the Council will consider the situation in Afghanistan.

On the Council’s working methods, he said that — as the situation in New York is steadily improving — the plexiglass barriers will be removed from the Council Chamber and pointed out that members have resumed use of the Consultations Room as of today.

As well, the Council will hold its annual meeting on peacekeeping operations on 6 September, which will feature a briefing by Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under Secretary-General for Peace Operations, he said, noting that the meeting will allow the Council to take stock of such operations.

On 22 September, the Council will hold a ministerial-level meeting concerning the crisis in Ukraine, over which the Minister for Foreign Affairs of France will preside, that will focus on impunity and justice, he continued. On 7 September, the Council will hold a meeting focusing on forced displacement in Ukraine.

He also noted that the Council will address two mandate renewals in September, concerning the Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD) and the maritime operation in Libya aimed at prohibiting human trafficking established pursuant to resolution 2240 (2015).

Mr. de Rivière then responded to several questions posed by media correspondents.

Asked if, following the recent mission by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the Council will ask the Agency for a report, he stressed that the Agency must be able to fully carry out its mandate in Ukraine. Noting that the Russian Federation asked for a meeting on this issue, he said that the Council will discuss matters in the coming days, and if the meeting occurs, that it will ask the IAEA’s Director-General to both provide a report and discuss how the Agency can contribute to the future nuclear safety of the plant.

He then responded to several questions pertaining to the Council’s plans to discuss the situation faced by the Uyghur ethnic group in the Xinjiang region of China, in regard to the recent report released by the Human Rights Council which concluded that China’s actions could possibly constitute crimes against humanity. Speaking in his capacity as Council President, he said that this issue is not on the Council’s agenda — and has never been — and will probably not be discussed in September. In his national capacity, he expressed concern over this situation and said that France has been committed to this issue both in the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues) and in the General Assembly, and will continue to examine it closely with its partners.

Questioned why the Council is not urgently discussing a United Nations report that accuses a permanent Council member of crimes against humanity, he responded — again speaking as the Council President — that the organ has a specific mandate to maintain regional and international peace and security. Further, crimes against humanity fall under the purview of international courts. “The Council isn’t in charge of everything,” he added, while noting that, in his capacity as France’s representative, he understands and shares this analysis.

Asked if there has been “pushback from the Chinese”, he said that, due to the recent nature of the report’s release, the Council has not yet discussed this issue. Until instructions change, the situation in Xinjiang is not on the Council’s agenda.

Another correspondent recalled France’s previous push to intervene in Libya based on the responsibility to protect and asked if that issue is no longer important for France. Responding, Mr. de Rivière said that human-rights-related questions are the primary responsibility of the Human Rights Council, the General Assembly and the Third Committee. The responsibility to protect remains a priority for France, and he stressed, in his national capacity, that his country will continue to ensure that this is applied indiscriminately, everywhere. However, he added that, as this issue has not been mentioned in the Council before, it is a “blank slate”.

On a different issue, a correspondent, recalling French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent expression of hope that negotiations will be concluded on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in the next few days, inquired about the reason for this optimism and, if a final deal is reached, what the Council will have to do. While noting that he is not “up to speed” on the specific details of ongoing talks, Mr. de Rivière said that there has been a feeling, for a long time, that “positions are aligning”. Further, if all sides agree to fully implement their obligations under the Plan of Action, nothing has to be done in the Council. This would simply mark a return to the implementation of existing law.

Asked if President Macron — who will be in New York during the high-level week — will address the Council and if, during the ministerial meeting, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs will hold a press conference, he said that the President’s involvement is likely, but not formally confirmed. Additionally, while France’s Minister for Foreign Affairs may speak to the press before or after the 22 September meeting, this also has not been confirmed.

On whether the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Ukraine will attend the ministerial-level meeting on 22 September — and whether this could lead to a meeting between the two — he said that all ministers of Council-member nations will be invited, as will be Ukraine’s minister. While this is not the aim of the meeting — which is to allow the Council to take stock of the situation on the ground — he said, in his national capacity, that his country always encourages belligerent parties to talk.

Asked if issues surrounding certain opposition within the Libyan Government to the appointment of Abdoulaye Bathily as United Nations Special Envoy for Libya is a problem for finding a solution to the crisis in that country, he responded in the negative. It is “high time”, he said, for the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) to have leadership and facilitate negotiations. “What is important now is to get to the next phase,” he stressed. On whether consensus exists among Council members regarding Mr. Bathily’s appointment, he replied: “What I can say is that I think it will be accepted”.

Responding to a question on the Council’s “temperature” regarding the Ethiopia file, he said, speaking as Council President, that he will be ready to organize any useful meeting on the subject and that such a meeting will likely occur. Speaking as France’s representative, he supported such a meeting as it is “high time to get things back on a political track”. For years, Ethiopia has contributed to stability in the Horn of Africa, and now the opposite is the case. While the African Union and regional and subregional organizations want to take leadership in this crisis, when such solutions find themselves at a deadlock there is no reason why the Council cannot take the initiative. He added that, while the Council might not be able to do better, “it must try”.

Noting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s planned appearance during high-level week, another correspondent asked if he would address the Council. Mr. de Rivière said that this is up to the Ukrainian President. If he wants to address the Council, as he has done several times before in a virtual capacity, the Council would be disposed to hear what he has to say.

Asked if there will be any effort to adopt a product after the 22 September meeting on Ukraine, he responded in the negative. On whether President Macron plans to meet with President Zelenskyy, he said this question will be asked and emphasized that France supports Ukraine.

Another correspondent noted that the Taliban travel-ban waiver expired in August and asked if the Council will be able to resolve this issue in its discussions. Responding, Mr. de Rivière said that the aim of exemptions to that sanctions regime have been to allow Taliban negotiators to participate in the peace process. Speaking in his national capacity, he said that, over the last few years, the feeling has been that, while these exemptions were granted to facilitate peace negotiations, they have not allowed the same to advance. Afghanistan is a major source of concern for France, and the situation will be discussed on 27 September. The Council must urgently push the regime towards greater cooperation, he added.

Asked if nuclear issues will be discussed in the Council, he said that the 6 September meeting will specifically discuss the issue of civilian nuclear power plants in Ukraine that have been compromised by fighting, not nuclear issues in general.

On a question regarding United States President Joseph R. Biden’s plans for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action before November mid-term elections in that country, he replied: “Ask Linda”, referring to United States Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

Source: United Nations

Polio this week as of 31 August 2022

Pakistan floods: WHO EMRO has released US$4 million in emergency funding for Pakistan, while polio teams are supporting disease surveillance for other diseases during the flood emergency. Dr Hamid Jafari, WHO EMRO Director for Polio Eradication, said via his Twitter account: “Heartbreaking sights from Pakistan, as the damage to the lives, livelihoods and health of people requires all of us to come together and provide support. WHO has been activated to provide emergency support to the Government of Pakistan with medical supplies and expertise, and of course our polio workforce is assisting efforts.”

African Ministers of Health Commit to Polio Eradication Efforts:This year’s detection of imported wild poliovirus in Malawi and Mozambique set off a series of coordinated campaigns across East Africa, as countries acted to swiftly protect their populations and prevent further transmission. On 24 August, in a special side session to the 72nd Meeting of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa in Lomé, Togo, Ministers of Health from these responding committed to improving vaccination campaigns, strengthening disease surveillance and continuing to lead in the rollout of the novel oral polio vaccine (nOPV2), hearing from Dr. Matshidiso Moeti (Director, WHO AFRO), Dr. Modjirom Ndoutabe (Polio Programme Coordinator, WHO AFRO) and Chris Elias (Chair, Polio Oversight Board) on what is needed to keep Africa wild polio-free.

nOPV2 rollout: Approximately 450 million doses of nOPV2 have been administered across 22 countries under its WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) to date. An additional 16 countries have met the requirements for nOPV2 use in the event of an outbreak. More information on nOPV2.

Last week, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization (SAGE) Polio Working Group convened at WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss policy options and will formulate recommendations for endorsement to the upcoming full SAGE meeting, on 3-6 October 2022.

**Summary of new polioviruses this week:

**– Pakistan: one WPV1 case and four positive environmental samples

– Benin: two cVDPV2 cases

– Chad: four cVDPV2 cases

– DR Congo: two cVDPV2 cases

– Ghana: two cVDPV2 positive environmental samples

– Yemen: 18 cVDPV2 cases

Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative