Dotées de fonctions sportives améliorées, d’une gestion améliorée de la santé 24 heures sur 24, d’une technologie GPS de pointe et d’un design raffiné, les nouvelles montres connectées Amazfit sont le Smart Fitness Made Easy.

BERLIN1er septembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Amazfit, une des principales marques mondiales d’accessoires portables intelligents de Zepp Health (NYSE : ZEPP), a lancé la quatrième génération de ses séries GTR et GTS à l’IFA 2022 de Berlin. Les nouvelles montres sont dotées de la technologie d’antenne GPS à polarisation circulaire qui permet un positionnement de haute précision[1], de fonctions sportives avancées et de grands écrans HD AMOLED, le tout dans un design élégant.

Smart Fitness Made Easy, the Amazfit GTR 4 & GTS 4


Dotées de fonctions sport et santé améliorées, les montres connectées Amazfit GTR 4 et GTS 4 sont conçues pour inspirer un mode de vie professionnel et actif. Ces montres visent à aider les utilisateurs à rester en bonne santé et à suivre leurs activités et performances quotidiennes.


Les toutes nouvelles montres Amazfit sont dotées de plus de 150 modes sportifs et de fonctions de remise en forme avancées, permettant aux sportifs de suivre les données de toutes sortes d’activités. La nouvelle série reconnaît également automatiquement huit modes sportifs et intègre un nouveau mode avancé de course sur piste et un nouveau mode de swing de golf. Parallèlement, les utilisateurs peuvent synchroniser leurs données d’entraînement avec Strava, et bientôt avec adidas Running, grâce à un nouveau partenariat entre Amazfit et adidas Runtastic.

Les montres sont de parfaits compagnons de gymnastique, avec une reconnaissance intelligente de 15 exercices de musculation (25 après la mise à jour du micrologiciel) qui leur permet de compter automatiquement les répétitions, les séries et le temps de repos de l’utilisateur. Des modèles personnalisés d’entraînement par intervalles[2] pour 10 sports différents peuvent également être créés directement sur l’écran de la montre, et l’algorithme d’état d’entraînement PeakBeats™ développé par la marque fournira des données de performance telles que VO₂ Max après la fin de tout entraînement.


Les appareils GTR 4 et GTS 4 sont les premières smartwatches du secteur à intégrer la technologie d’antenne GPS à polarisation circulaire à double bande, ce qui permet d’obtenir une puissance de signal de positionnement élevée, même dans des environnements complexes.

La technologie GPS récemment mise à niveau prend en charge cinq systèmes de satellites et permet aux utilisateurs de suivre leurs mouvements en temps réel. Dans une future mise à jour du micrologiciel, la technologie prendra en charge six systèmes de satellites. Les montres prendront bientôt en charge l’importation de fichiers d’itinéraires à partir de l’application Zepp, ce qui permettra de naviguer en temps réel, directement sur la montre.


Le nouveau capteur optique PPG BioTracker™ 4.0 développé par nos soins est amélioré à 2LED et recueille 33 % de données en plus que la génération précédente. Associé à l’algorithme amélioré de suivi de la fréquence cardiaque des montres, l’interférence potentielle du signal causée par le mouvement du bras pendant l’exercice est considérablement réduite, ce qui permet un suivi de la fréquence cardiaque presque équivalent à celui des ceintures cardiaques.

Ces appareils Amazfit peuvent surveiller la fréquence cardiaque, la saturation en oxygène du sang et les niveaux de stress 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, et peuvent tester rapidement ces trois paramètres – ainsi que la fréquence respiratoire – en seulement 45 secondes d’une seule pression, grâce à la fonction One-tap Measuring

Les montres offrent également un grand nombre de fonctions de santé supplémentaires, notamment un meilleur suivi du sommeil. Les utilisateurs peuvent désormais créer leur propre programme de sommeil en fonction de leurs habitudes de sommeil, et l’appareil identifiera le sommeil sur cette base. Ainsi, les utilisateurs qui travaillent de nuit pourront désormais surveiller leur sommeil total et leurs stades de sommeil, même pendant la journée, si un horaire de sommeil est défini.


L’Amazfit GTR 4 peut durer très longtemps pendant 14 jours avec une utilisation typique. Par ailleurs, l’Amazfit GTS 4 intègre une batterie puissante qui peut durer plus d’une semaine en utilisation normale, dans son corps ultra-mince.

Ces montres Amazfit intègrent l’assistant vocal Alexa[3] pour les commandes vocales en ligne, ainsi que le stockage de musique et la lecture autonome de musique lors des séances d’entraînement en mode mains libres. Elles disposent également d’un haut-parleur intégré et de la possibilité de diffuser des données en temps réel en mode sport, comme la fréquence cardiaque, la durée et la distance de l’entraînement, et même des rappels d’hydratation, via le haut-parleur ou les écouteurs Bluetooth de l’utilisateur.


La quatrième génération des séries Amazfit GTR et GTS se décline en plusieurs palettes de couleurs, apportant style, texture et compacité.

L’Amazfit GTR 4 est doté d’un design haut de gamme qui comprend une lunette en verre antireflet, un cadre central métallique et une couronne classique inspirée des voitures de sport, ce qui en fait le compagnon idéal pour ceux qui veulent être élégants au bureau. La montre peut également se targuer de proposer plus de 200 cadrans de montre avec des designs correspondants toujours actifs, dont plus de 30 cadrans de montre animés et quatre nouveaux cadrans de montre interactifs. Elle se décline en trois superbes couleurs, dont Superspeed Black, Vintage Brown Leather et Racetrack Grey.

L’Amazfit GTS 4 adopte une structure mince et légère de 9,9 mm et 27 g, avec un cadre central en alliage d’aluminium et une couronne de navigation exquise en forme de pierre précieuse. Cet appareil à la pointe de la mode est également doté d’un écran HD AMOLED ultra-large de 1,75 pouce pour une interaction fluide et sans faille et bénéficie d’un rapport écran/corps impressionnant de 72,8 % et de 341 ppi. L’écran de la montre peut être visible à tout moment grâce à l’affichage permanent, et il est possible de choisir parmi plus de 150 cadrans de montre. La montre connectée est disponible en quatre couleurs vives : Infinite Black, Misty White, Autumn Brown et Rosebud Pink.


Le système d’exploitation Zepp OS d’Amazfit, puissant et facile à utiliser, a été mis à niveau. Outre des interactions ultra-fluides et une interface utilisateur adaptée à la smartwatch et conçue pour consommer moins d’énergie, les utilisateurs peuvent désormais choisir entre deux styles de présentation des menus d’applications et des couleurs plus naturelles ou plus vives.

La gamme élargie de mini-applications téléchargeables comprend également « Baby Records », qui permet aux utilisateurs d’enregistrer les heures de sommeil et d’alimentation de leur bébé, ainsi que deux nouveaux jeux téléchargeables, sans oublier les applications tierces GoPro et Home Connect.


La montre, légère mais puissante, présente un design ultra-léger, une surveillance de la santé 24 heures sur 24, plus de 120 modes sportifs et un grand écran couleur HD de 1,65 pouces avec une haute résolution de 336 x 384 pixels et 309 ppi pour défier les limites de la taille.

L’Amazfit GTS 4 Mini est doté d’une batterie d’une très grande autonomie, d’une capacité de 270 mAh, offrant une expérience de fitness ininterrompue et suffisamment de puissance pour fonctionner jusqu’à 15 jours sans charge en utilisation normale, et jusqu’à 45 jours en mode économie de batterie. Elle présente quatre couleurs étonnantes, dont Midnight Black, Flamingo Pink, Mint Blue et Moonlight White, qui font de cette montre connectée un élément de mode qui complète toutes les tenues.

Les Amazfit GTR 4 et GTS 4 seront lancés dans le monde entier le 1er septembre 2022 (GMT+1) à partir de 199,99 euros. En Allemagne et en Pologne, la prévente commence le 2 septembre, et les produits seront disponibles à l’achat le 12 septembre en Allemagne et le 16 septembre en Pologne, puis en Espagne, en Italie, en France, au Royaume-Uni et dans d’autres pays et régions du monde à partir de la mi-septembre et jusqu’en octobre 2022.

L’Amazfit GTS 4 Mini est vendu à partir de 99,99 euros et est maintenant disponible en Allemagne, et sera bientôt disponible dans d’autres pays et régions.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site et suivez-nous surFacebookInstagram et Twitter.

À propos d’Amazfit

Amazfit, l’une des principales marques mondiales de vêtements intelligents axés sur la santé et la forme physique, fait partie de Zepp Health (NYSE: ZEPP), une entreprise de technologie de la santé. Proposant une large sélection de smartwatches et de bracelets, l’essence de la marque Amazfit est « Up Your Game », encourageant les utilisateurs à vivre leurs passions et à exprimer librement leur esprit actif. Amazfit est alimenté par la plateforme de gestion de la santé exclusive de Zepp Health, qui fournit des informations et des conseils exploitables 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 pour aider les utilisateurs à atteindre leurs objectifs de bien-être. Grâce à un savoir-faire exceptionnel, les montres intelligentes Amazfit ont remporté de nombreux prix de design, notamment le prix iF Design et le prix Red Dot Design.

Lancé en 2015, Amazfit est aujourd’hui adopté par des millions d’utilisateurs. Ses produits sont disponibles dans plus de 90 pays sur le continent américain et dans les régions EMEA et APAC. Pour en savoir plus sur Amazfit, rendez-vous sur le site Pour en savoir plus sur Zepp Health, rendez-vous sur le site

[1] Les services de positionnement en intérieur ne sont pas pris en charge.
[2] Les modèles d’entraînement par intervalles seront ajoutés via une mise à jour OTA
[3] Amazon, Alexa et toutes les marques associées sont des marques commerciales d’, Inc. ou de ses filiales. Amazon Alexa n’est disponible que dans certaines régions.
Compact and Power-packed, the Amazfit GTS 4 Mini

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Featuring improved sports features, enhanced 24-hour health management, industry-leading GPS technology and refined designs, the new Amazfit smartwatches are Smart Fitness Made Easy.

BERLIN, Sept. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Amazfit, a leading global smart wearables brand of Zepp Health (NYSE: ZEPP), has launched the fourth generation of its GTR and GTS series at IFA 2022 in Berlin. The new watches feature the industry-leading circularly-polarized GPS antenna technology that enables high-precision positioning[1], advanced sports features, and large HD AMOLED displays – all packed into stylish designs.

Smart Fitness Made Easy, the Amazfit GTR 4 & GTS 4


Featuring upgraded sports and health features, the Amazfit GTR 4 and GTS 4 smartwatches are designed to inspire a professional and active lifestyle. The watches aim to help users stay healthy and track their daily activities and performance.


The brand-new Amazfit watches are embedded with 150+ sports modes and advanced fitness features, allowing sports enthusiasts to track data for all kinds of activities. The new series also automatically recognises eight sports modes and integrates a new advanced Track Run mode and newly added Golf Swing mode. Meanwhile, users can sync their workout data to Strava, and adidas Running soon, thanks to a new partnership between Amazfit and adidas Runtastic.

The watches are the perfect gym companions, with smart recognition of 15 strength training exercises (increasing to 25 after firmware update) allowing them to automatically count the user’s reps, sets and rest time. Personalised templates for interval training[2] for 10 different sports can also be created directly on the watch display, and the brand’s self-developed PeakBeats™ Workout Status Algorithm will provide performance data like VO₂ Max after any workout is completed.


Both GTR 4 and GTS 4 devices are the industry’s first smartwatches to include dual-band circularly-polarised GPS antenna technology, bringing high positioning signal strength even in complex environments.Compact and Power-packed, the Amazfit GTS 4 Mini

The newly upgraded GPS technology supports five satellite systems, and allows wearers to track their movements in real-time. In a future firmware update, the technology will support six satellite systems. The watches will also soon support importing route files from the Zepp App, which can be navigated in real-time, directly on the watch.


The new self-developed BioTracker™ 4.0 PPG optical sensor is enhanced to 2LED and collects 33% more data than the previous generation. When combined with the watches’ upgraded heart rate tracking algorithm, potential signal interference caused by arm movement during exercise is greatly reduced, resulting in heart rate tracking almost on-par with heart rate belts.

These Amazfit devices can monitor heart rate, blood-oxygen saturation and stress levels 24/7, and can quickly test these three metrics – plus breathing rate – in only 45 seconds with a single touch, thanks to the One-tap Measuring function.

The watches also provide a large number of additional health features, including improved sleep monitoring. Users now can create their own Sleep Schedule according to their sleep habits, and the device will identify sleep based on this. So users with night shifts will now be able to monitor their total sleep and sleep stages even during daytime with a sleep schedule set.


The Amazfit GTR 4 can last for ultra-long 14 days with typical usage. Meanwhile, the Amazfit GTS 4 also packs a powerful battery that can last over one whole week with typical usage, into its super slim body.

These Amazfit watches have the Alexa Voice Assistant[3] built-in for online voice commands, as well as music storage and stand-alone music playback hands-free workouts. It also features a built-in speaker and the ability to broadcast real-time sports mode data like heart rate, workout duration and distance, and even hydration reminders via the speaker or the user’s Bluetooth headphones.


The fourth generation of the Amazfit GTR and GTS series comes in various colour palettes, bringing style, texture and compactness.

The Amazfit GTR 4 blends a high-end design that includes an industry-leading anti-glare glass bezel cover, metallic middle frame, and sports car-inspired classic crown – making it the perfect companion for those who want to look stylish at the office. The smartwatch also boasts more than 200 watch faces with matching always-on designs, including 30+ animated and four new interactive watch faces. It comes in three stunning colours, including Superspeed Black, Vintage Brown Leather, and Racetrack Grey.

The Amazfit GTS 4 adopts a slim and light 9.9mm and 27g structure, with an aluminium alloy middle frame, and exquisite gemstone-style navigation crown. The fashion-conscious device also features an ultra-large 1.75″ HD AMOLED display for seamless, smooth interaction and enjoys an impressive high 72.8% screen-to-body ratio and 341 ppi. The screen of the watch can be visible anytime with the always-on display, and there are more than 150 watch faces to choose from. The smartwatch is available in four vibrant colours including Infinite Black, Misty White, Autumn Brown, and Rosebud Pink.


Amazfit’s powerful and easy-to-use Zepp OS operating system has been upgraded. Along with super-smooth interactions and a smartwatch-tailored UI designed to consume less power, users can now select one of two app menu layout styles and more natural or vibrant colour schemes.

The extended array of downloadable mini apps has also added “Baby Records”, which allows users to record their baby’s sleep and feeding times, plus two brand-new downloadable games, along with the GoPro and Home Connect third-party apps.


The watch, which is light on weight, but heavy on power, features an ultra-light design, 24-hour health monitoring, over 120 sports modes and a large 1.65″ HD colour display with a high resolution of 336 x 384 pixels and 309 ppi to challenge the limits of size.

The Amazfit GTS 4 Mini boasts ultra-long battery life, with a capacity of 270 mAh, providing an uninterrupted fitness experience and enough power to run for up to 15 days without charging with typical usage, and up to 45 days on battery saver mode. It features four stunning colors, including Midnight Black, Flamingo Pink, Mint Blue, and Moonlight White that make this smartwatch a fashion statement that complements all outfits.

The Amazfit GTR 4 and GTS 4 launch globally on September 1, 2022 (GMT+1) with pricing starting from 199.99 Euros. In Germany and Poland, pre-sale starts on September 2, and they will be available to buy on September 12 in Germany and September 16 in Poland, followed by Spain, Italy, France, the UK, and more countries and regions worldwide from mid-September through to October, 2022.

The Amazfit GTS 4 Mini is priced starting from 99.99 Euros and is now available in Germany, and will be available soon in other countries and regions.

For more information, please visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

About Amazfit

Amazfit, a leading global smart wearables brand focused on health and fitness, is part of Zepp Health (NYSE: ZEPP), a health technology company. Offering a wide selection of smartwatches and bands, Amazfit’s brand essence is “Up Your Game”, encouraging users to live their passions and express their active spirits freely. Amazfit is powered by Zepp Health’s proprietary health management platform that delivers cloud-based 24/7 actionable insights and guidance to help users attain their wellness goals. With outstanding craftsmanship, Amazfit smart watches have won many design awards, including the iF Design Award and the Red Dot Design Award.

Launched in 2015, Amazfit is today embraced by millions of users. Its products are available in more than 90 countries across the Americas, and EMEA and APAC regions. For more information about Amazfit, visit For more information about Zepp Health, visit

[1] Indoor positioning services are not supported.
[2] Interval training templates will be added via OTA update.
[3] Amazon, Alexa and all related marks are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon Alexa is only available in selective regions.

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Expereo appoints new General Counsel and SVP of Enterprise Sales as part of continued investment strategy

AMSTERDAM, Aug. 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The world’s leading provider of managed network solutions, Expereo welcomes Sujata Kukreja, General Counsel and Scott Zarriello, SVP Enterprise Sales into its ranks. Both recent appointments come as part of a continued global investment strategy to further tailor solutions and experiences to all regions based on customer demand, while maintaining the same best-in-class service around the world.

“Expereo’s steep growth trajectory has been fueled by a great influx of talent. I am thrilled to announce the expansion of the leadership team with the addition of Sujata and Scott, who will be instrumental in creating seamless customer solutions globally. Scott adds his experience and talent to our dynamic sales leadership team. In his role as our new Senior Vice President of Enterprise Sales, Americas, he will further develop the potential of the American market,” commented Irwin Fouwels, Chief Executive Officer of Expereo.

Sujata Kukreja joins Expereo from Knauf where she was spearheading operations in the APAC region, managing legal and ESG compliance, governance, and risk management. Her wealth of experience in providing practical and innovative regulatory solutions on a global level will be critical in Expereo’s ongoing expansion and international business operations.

“I am passionate about ensuring businesses grow and develop in an ethical and sustainable manner. I am excited to utilize my expertise in my new role and be part of Expereo’s continued success story,” says Sujata Kukreja, new General Counsel of Expereo.

Scott Zarriello joins Expereo from Vodafone where he held the position of VP of Global Sales and US Operations, leading the senior strategic sales team for outsourcing and managed services. His experience of over 30 years within the Technology and Telecommunications industries will be instrumental in aligning Expereo’s global sales strategy while tailoring solutions and service offerings to the regional customer needs.

“Delivering the results our customers need to grow and thrive is my number one priority. I am incredibly excited to join the team at Expereo and continue building on the company’s expertise in connectivity on a global scale with innovative solutions,” commented Scott Zarriello, new SVP of Enterprise Sales at Expereo.

About Expereo
Expereo is a leading global provider of managed network solutions including, Global Internet, SD-WAN/SASE, and Enhanced Internet. With an extensive global reach, Expereo is the trusted partner of 30% of Fortune 500 companies. It powers enterprise and government sites in more than 190 countries, helping customers improve productivity and empowering their networks and cloud services with the agility, flexibility and value of the Internet, with optimal network performance.

Expereo was acquired in Feb 2021, by Vitruvian Partners. The international growth capital and buyout firm acquired a majority shareholding from leading European private equity firm, Apax Partners sas.

For more information visit:

Emese Csikai
Senior Account Executive

World Vision East Africa Hunger Emergency Response Situation report #15 | July 2022

World Vision is responding to the impact of hunger in seven countries in East Africa and requires US$ 181 million to reach 5 million people, including 2.7 million children by April 2023. We have reached more than 8 million people since April 2021.

A deadly mix of conflict, COVID-19 and the climate crisis have pushed more than 11 million people across seven countries in East Africa to the very brink of a hunger crisis. Of critical concern are vulnerable children who are experiencing high levels of malnutrition.

Conflict is the leading driver of hunger globally. Every country where World Vision works in East Africa is either in conflict or neighbouring a country in conflict. The region has also endured substantial climate shocks, undermining people’s ability to feed themselves. The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current ripple effect from the war in Ukraine is also driving hunger to unprecedented levels.

Humanitarian needs are immense and the impact on children, including safeguarding risks, is enormous. This challenging period could also erode human and economic development gains that have been made towards the global 2030 Sustainable Development Goals across the region.

World Vision is deeply concerned for millions of children in East Africa, who are enduring a devastating hunger crisis. According to FSNWG Drought Special report (July 2022), about 568,000 children were admitted for Severe Acute Malnutrition treatment in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia from January to June. About 6.5 million children are projected to suffer from acute malnutrition, of which close to 1.8 million face severe wasting.

World Vision has reached more than 8 million people, including 4.4 million children, since April 2021. We are already responding with food distributions in multiple countries. World Vision re-declared its multi-country response comprising Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. We aim to reach 5 million people, including 2.7 million children, by April 2023 through the second phase of the response. World Vision has been implementing a multi-country hunger emergency response in the above-mentioned countries for the last 12 months and has been able to repurpose and raise new funds, to the tune of US $ 81 million. However, the needs have insurmountably increased and we require an additional US$ 100 million.

Source: World Vision

FAO welcomes $83 million USA contribution to emergency and resilience programmes

Rome — The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today welcomed an $83 million contribution from the United States of America designed to bolster the agency’s emergency and resilience programmes in Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Sudan, as well as in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso, the Sahel and the West Africa region.

It follows a recent commitment of $80 million from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) specifically focused on improving food security and nutrition in Afghanistan.

“We are grateful to the United States of America for this important contribution towards FAO’s mandate,” said FAO Director-General QU Dongyu. “Safeguarding the rural livelihoods of the vulnerable is central to averting catastrophe and saving lives through the development of local production. Such funding is critical to respond agilely and at scale in food crisis contexts.”

Given its mandate to end hunger, its longstanding country presence, and its substantial expertise and experience in both humanitarian and development contexts, FAO has a unique role to play in preventing and addressing acute hunger and supporting countries that are experiencing food crises return to a path of growth and prosperity.

Protecting livelihoods by providing emergency agricultural assistance from the onset of a crisis enables people to produce food and earn an income, while a rapid and efficient response to agricultural threats and emergencies saves lives, promotes recovery and reduces the gap between dependency on food assistance and self-reliance.

The new contribution was announced by Ambassador Cindy McCain, Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the UN agencies in Rome. The funds are designed to improve the availability and access to food in crises contexts, by supplying aid and technical assistance to smallholder farmers and livestock-dependent communities, focusing on crop and livestock production.

The Unites States of America has been the largest resource partner of FAO’s humanitarian and resilience programme since 2017. The latest contribution, part of the annual support from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, represents a three-fold increase in funds from the previous year.

Bolstering emergency and resilience efforts

FAO’s work in Ethiopia stands to receive $32 million in emergency support to improve crop production in the Tigray region, where conflict is a key driver of severe food shortages.

FAO is already scaling up the urgent delivery of fertilizers in the northern Ethiopian region to help farmers sow their fields in the midst of the crucial planting season. The new funds will facilitate the targeted distribution of agricultural inputs, such as fertilizers and seeds, and the training of 344 000 households (involving an estimated 1 720 000 people) on fertilizer application and handling, good agronomic practices, post-harvest handling and value addition.

A further $30 million of the USA contribution announced today have been earmarked for emergency livelihood assistance to safeguard food and nutrition security in Afghanistan, where local food production and the incomes of the most vulnerable rural families have been affected by multiple shocks, including back-to-back droughts and a deepening economic crisis.

More than 70 percent of Afghans live in rural areas, and millions of men, women and children could face catastrophe in 2022 unless agriculture and livestock production are continuously supported.

FAO plans to use the funds there to improve the food and nutrition security status of 2 065 000 vulnerable and marginalized people through the distribution of winter wheat cultivation packages, a livestock protection package for herders in areas affected by drought, and multi-purpose cash transfers to households without access to land and limited labour force within the family.

An additional $15 million have been earmarked to bolster food security and livelihoods in Sudan, while the remaining amounts will target people in need in Burkina Faso and the region of West Africa and help mitigate the impact of an outbreak of African Swine Fever in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

244M children won’t start the new school year (UNESCO)

As the new school year begins in many parts of the world, new UNESCO data shows that 244 million children and youth between the ages of 6 and 18 worldwide are still out of school. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General, calls for collective mobilization to ensure that the right of every child to access quality education is respected.

The new estimates, published online, show that sub-Saharan Africa remains the region with the most children and youth out of school, with a total of 98 million children. It is also the only region where this number is increasing: out-of-school rates are falling more slowly than the rate at which the school-age population is growing. The region with the second highest out-of-school population is Central and Southern Asia, with 85 million. The data per country is available in interactive visualizations on the VIEW website.

She will renew this call at the Transforming Education Summit to be held on September 19 convened by the UN Secretary General, which will bring together Heads of State and Governments.

The gender gap is closing

The new UNESCO estimates confirm that the difference in the rate of girls and boys out of school has closed worldwide. The gaps of 2.5 percentage points among primary school age children worldwide and of 3.9 percentage points among upper secondary school age youth in 2000 have been reduced to zero – however, regional disparities persist.

New method for more reliable figures

Multiple data sources – including information from surveys and censuses – have been cross-referenced by UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report experts, in order that the figures reflect reality as closely as possible. It is the first time that this methodology, previously used to estimate flagship health indicators, has been used in education, marking a significant improvement in the robustness of the estimates.

Important data gaps have been filled in countries that have large out of school numbers but where no administrative data of good quality has been available for over a decade, such as Nigeria which has an estimated 20.2 million children and youth out of school, Ethiopia (10.5 million), the Democratic Republic of Congo (5.9 million) and Kenya (1.8 million).

With UNESCO’s help, 90% of countries have now set national benchmarks to assess progress towards quality education for all by 2030, including on out-of-school rates.

Source: UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization