Kasisto lève 15,5 millions de dollars supplémentaires auprès de FIS et Westpac dans le cadre d’une série C sursouscrite

Grâce à ce financement, Kasisto pourra développer ses partenariats d’innovation en matière d’intelligence artificielle et accélérer son expansion sur le marché de la banque de proximité aux États-Unis

NEW YORK23 août 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Kasisto , créateur de KAI, la principale plateforme d’expérience numérique pour le secteur des services financiers, a annoncé aujourd’hui une expansion de la série C de 15,5 millions de dollars, menée aux États-Unis par Fidelity Information Services, LLC (NYSE: FIS) et au niveau international par Westpac Banking Corporation (OTCMKTS: WEBNF), avec la participation de BankSouth. Cela porte le financement total de la série C à 31 millions de dollars.

Humanizing Digital Experiences

Kasisto est le leader du secteur de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) de type conversationnel, et sa plateforme KAI alimente les assistants numériques les plus intelligents et les plus avisés sur le plan financier dans le secteur des services financiers. Ce financement supplémentaire permettra à Kasisto de continuer à investir dans le développement de produits, dans des initiatives stratégiques de mise sur le marché et dans l’expansion de partenariats avec les principaux fournisseurs de services financiers.

La transformation des canaux numériques et l’engagement des consommateurs sont au cœur des préoccupations du secteur des services financiers. L’adoption du numérique s’est accélérée à un rythme effréné depuis le début de la pandémie. À l’échelle mondiale, les entreprises fintech et les institutions financières de toutes tailles reconnaissent que les assistants numériques ainsi qu’une plateforme d’IA conversationnelle exceptionnelle sont la clé du succès pour une évolution réussie de l’expérience client et des modèles de service.

FIS est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions technologiques financières pour les commerçants, les banques et les sociétés de marchés de capitaux dans le monde. En investissant dans Kasisto, l’entreprise soutient la mission de FIS, qui consiste à faire évoluer la façon dont le monde paie, réalise des opérations bancaires et investit.

« Nous considérons que l’avenir des services bancaires sera marqué par des expériences de plus en plus contextuelles et sera alimenté par des technologies d’IA de pointe qui créeront des interactions plus engageantes pour chaque client », a déclaré Stéphane Wyper, vice-président principal de FIS Impact Ventures. « Nous sommes ravis d’investir dans Kasisto et d’explorer les possibilités de tirer parti de leur technologie KAI dans nos services bancaires numériques afin d’humaniser davantage les interactions numériques avec les consommateurs. »

Westpac, une institution financière multinationale dont le siège est situé à Sydney, en Australie, et qui compte plus de 12 millions de clients, a collaboré avec Kasisto pour appliquer une technologie révolutionnaire d’orchestration de l’IA qui achemine de manière transparente les demandes des clients vers l’assistant numérique le plus compétent. Le résultat est une expérience plus fluide pour les clients et les employés.

« Les cycles d’innovation s’accélèrent, tout comme les besoins et les attentes de nos clients, qui veulent un service rapide, intuitif et personnalisé », a déclaré Scott Collary, directeur du groupe Westpac, services à la clientèle et technologie. « La technologie de Kasisto nous a permis d’évoluer des chatbots traditionnels vers une expérience conversationnelle sophistiquée, de type humain, unifiée pour la première fois sous une seule plateforme d’orchestration de l’IA. Cela signifie que les demandes des clients seront traitées plus efficacement avec des temps d’attente réduits et moins de transferts. »

BankSouth, une banque communautaire américaine de Géorgie, qui a adopté très tôt la plateforme KAI multi-tenant de Kasisto, a également participé à ce tour de table. En déployant le produit KAI Consumer Banking, BankSouth illustre la façon dont un assistant numérique peut non seulement servir les clients, mais aussi contribuer à la croissance de l’entreprise.

« Nous avons constaté l’adoption réussie de l’IA conversationnelle par notre base de clients de la banque en ligne, et tant nos clients que nos banquiers ont trouvé la technologie de Kasisto efficace et facile à utiliser », a déclaré Harold Reynolds, président-directeur général de BankSouth. « Plus nous travaillons avec cette plateforme robuste, plus l’expérience devient riche et profonde pour nos clients. Nous nous attendons à ce que l’assistant numérique hautement personnalisé fourni par KAI fasse de plus en plus partie intégrante de l’expérience bancaire de nos clients, et cet investissement dans Kasisto démontre notre engagement à faire en sorte que cela se produise. »

« L’expansion de notre série C est un vote de confiance retentissant dans notre vision », a déclaré Zor Gorelov, cofondateur et PDG de Kasisto. « Ce financement nous permettra de continuer à jouer un rôle de premier plan et à innover dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle conversationnelle. Cette année, nous avons connu notre plus forte croissance à ce jour et l’expansion de nos activités bancaires communautaires mondiales et américaines. Je suis fier de ce que nous avons accompli et profondément reconnaissant envers notre équipe talentueuse qui travaille sans relâche, avec les clients et les partenaires, pour façonner l’avenir de la banque. »

À propos de Kasisto

KAI  est la plateforme d’expérience numérique de premier plan pour le secteur des services financiers. Parmi les clients de Kasisto figurent J.P. Morgan, Westpac, Standard Chartered, TD et Manulife Bank, ainsi que des coopératives de crédit telles que Fairwinds et Excite – et bien d’autres encore. Ces institutions financières ont choisi KAI pour sa capacité avérée à stimuler la croissance des entreprises et à améliorer l’expérience des clients. La plateforme est en contact avec des millions de consommateurs dans le monde entier, en permanence, sur plusieurs canaux, dans différentes langues, et est optimisée pour la performance, l’évolutivité, la sécurité et la conformité. KAI est construit avec le portefeuille d’IA conversationnelle le plus profond du secteur financier et est étroitement intégré dans l’écosystème fintech grâce à des partenariats avec des fournisseurs de technologie éprouvés tels que FIS, NCR, Q2 et d’autres. Kasisto a son siège social à New York et des bureaux dans la Silicon Valley et à Singapour. Kasisto Singapore Pte Ltd est une filiale à part entière de Kasisto. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site kasisto.com. Suivez Kasisto sur Twitter et LinkedIn.

Contact pour les médias :
Amanda Hill

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Le lave-linge intelligent et la barre de son de Hisense désignés produits de l’année en Afrique du Sud

CAPE TOWN, Afrique du Sud23 août 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Le 16 août, Product of the Year South Africa a annoncé le gagnant 2022 dans le domaine de l’innovation parmi 19 catégories. Deux produits Hisense, le le lave-linge intelligent à chargement frontal Hisense et la barre de son Hisense U5120G 5.1.2CH ont été respectivement nommés gagnants dans la catégorie des appareils électroménagers et dans celle des systèmes multimédias.

Product of the Year est la plus grande enquête indépendante d’Afrique du Sud portant sur l’innovation en matière de produits. Kantar, la plus grande agence d’analyse et de données marketing au monde, a mené une enquête indépendante auprès de plus de 2 000 ménages dans tout le pays pour déterminer les gagnants.

« Nous sommes honorés et fiers de la technologie que nous créons, ainsi que de toute l’équipe qui contribue au succès de ces produits. L’innovation en matière de produits est importante pour notre activité et nous continuerons à investir dans ce domaine afin de proposer aux consommateurs sud-africains davantage de produits destinés à ‘réinventer votre vie’ », a déclaré Patrick, directeur marketing chez Hisense Afrique du Sud.

Le lave-linge à chargement frontal Hisense WFQR1214VAJMWT est une machine puissante de 12 kg dotée de la technologie de dosage automatique Hisense qui simplifie le lavage grâce à la pesée automatique, à la détection intelligente et au calcul précis du dosage. Sa fonction Smart WiFi permet aux utilisateurs de contrôler le lave-linge depuis leur smartphone grâce à l’application ConnectLife. La technologie de lavage à la vapeur de Hisense est également intégrée au produit. Elle utilise une vapeur douce pour éliminer les odeurs et faire en sorte que les vêtements lavés soient aussi propres et doux que des vêtements neufs, même sans être repassés.

La barre de son innovante U5120G, également lauréate du prix EISA (Expert Imaging and Sound Association), est dotée de 11 haut-parleurs multidirectionnels intégrés et d’un caisson de basse sans fil de 180 watts pour un total de 510 watts de musique de haute qualité. Le caisson de basse de 8 pouces peut prendre en charge des sons dont la fréquence atteint 40 Hz, ce qui donne aux films, aux émissions de télévision, aux jeux et à la musique des effets de basse puissants et intenses.

La barre de son U5120G bénéficie d’une connectivité simple et est compatible avec le Bluetooth, ce qui rend l’installation rapide, facile et sans effort. Quant à l’expérience audio, la disposition des enceintes à l’intérieur de l’appareil offre un système surround avec un véritable son 5.1.2 ch. Le gagnant de la catégorie des systèmes multimédia peut prendre en charge les sons haute résolution, ce qui lui confère une qualité sonore comparable à celle des studios d’enregistrement et des salles de concert. De plus, sa technologie Hi-Remaster améliore la qualité sonore de nombreuses sources d’entrée telles que les CD et les MP3.

Au-delà des deux produits nouvellement récompensés, Hisense a maintenant distribué ses produits en Afrique du Sud dans plus de 3 000 chaînes de magasins et 500 magasins franchisés d’électroménager, qu’il s’agisse du multimédia, de l’électroménager, de la téléphonie mobile ou de la climatisation.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1882469/Hisense.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1882470/Hisense.jpg

Dominica tops the CBI Index for sixth consecutive time, scores full marks in six out of nine pillars

Roseau, Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Commonwealth of Dominica came out tops in the annual CBI Index, a rating system designed to measure the performance and appeal of global citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes across a diverse range of indicators.

The CBI Index is intended as a practical tool to compare CBI programmes as a whole and specific aspects of each programme. These aspects are reflected by the CBI Index’s nine pillars which Freedom of Movement, Standard of Living, Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

Number one for six consecutive years, Dominica beat 11 other nations with active citizenship by investment programmes and scored full marks in the areas of Minimum Outlay, Mandatory travel or residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

These nations include Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Cambodia, Egypt, Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Montenegro, St Lucia, Turkey and Vanuatu.

“For the last 29 years we have ensured that our CBI programme really meets the needs of an ever-changing global investor. We’re proud to yet again be ranked as one of the best CBI offering in the world and look to increase our scores across all nine pillars next year,” commented Dominica’s Prime Minister, Dr Roosevelt Skerrit.

Dominica continues to be on a concerted drive to offer investors – through its Economic Diversification Fund and government-approve real estate options – a reliable safe haven amidst the constant global upheavals. Accompanied by a robust due diligence process, Dominica uses a multi-layered process in partnership with third-party due diligence firms from the USA and the UK, investors can be confident that they are buying into a product that that will enhance their portfolio.

Dominica’s scoring in the nine pillars:

Freedom of Movement: Dominica scored seven out of 10 as the country offers visa-free and visa-on-arrival access to 14 countries across the world, including the globes most sought-after business hubs.

Freedom of movement within and between countries is paramount to global investors seeking second citizenship and this year, the Index placed emphasis on the total number of countries and territories that can be visited without applying for a visa.

Standard of Living: Dominica scored five in this area due to its low average expected years of schooling, but it must be noted that the country has the highest life expectancy at 78.2 and a perfect freedom score when compared to Egypt, Jordan, St Kitts and Nevis and Vanuatu – who also shared the same score.

Minimum Investment Outlay: Dominica received a perfect score of 10 here as the minimum investment outlay for their CBI programme is only US$100,000 per applicant, one of the lowest citizenship investment outlays in the industry.

Mandatory Travel or Residence: As last year, Dominica kept is score of 10 out of 10 as the country does not require mandatory travel or residence in the country for processing of its citizenship application.

Citizenship Timeline: Dominica scored a nine in the citizenship timeline pillar. The pillar accesses the duration to get the application processed.

Ease of Processing: The citizenship by investment unit of Dominica continues to make the application process straightforward and more robust, helping the country secure a score full marks in this area.

Due Diligence: Dominica is recognized for its stringent and comprehensive due diligence checks on applicants seeking second citizenship and once again retained the score of 10 for due diligence processing. The country requires the provision of either fingerprints or a biometric passport and has robust external due diligence procedures that are undertaken by internationally renowned third-party due diligence firms.

Family: As Dominica allows main applicants to add additional dependents under a single application, once again making it easy to bring in additional family members, the country scored 10 under this pillar.

Certainty of Product: Dominica, along with St Kitts and Nevis, attained a perfect score for Certainty of Product Pillar thanks to the programme’s longevity, popularity, renown, stability, and adaptability. The CBI Index also lauded Dominica for its transparent two-track investment routes.

Regarded as an industry voice and reputable benchmark for CBI programmes across the globe, this year’s CBI Index offers readers a glimpse of the possibility that could in the CBI industry should all relevant parties cooperate.

The current turmoil has certainly brought a negative spotlight to the investment migration industry and overlooked the fundamentals of CBI – offering honest, hardworking families and entrepreneurs to explore and participate in meaningful global opportunities, especially where they have been let down by their own home countries.

Findings in the CBI Index state that in 2023, it is predicted over 125,000 millionaires will look to relocate to more secure and attractive destinations around the world and this trend is expected to continue and increase to 2030. Political fragmentation, instability, social polarisation are some of the reasons why investors look for second citizenship options.

It is for this reason that countries like the Commonwealth of Dominica are a popular investment choice, offering political and economic stability, a currency pegged against the US-dollar and, even more appealing is an eco-conscious government working its way to be carbon-neutral and sustainable.

“People who invest in our programme can be 100% sure that they are also investing in a country that cares about the planet and one that is taking tangible, measurable steps to protect the planet,” continues Prime Minister Skerrit.

The CBI Index is the world’s most definitive guide on citizenship by investment and is published today by PWM Magazine, a publication from the Financial Times in collaboration with CS Global Partners.

Download and read the full report here.


Dominica PR
Commonwealth of Dominica

En collaboration avec MAMAS Alliance, Hisense continue de soutenir l’éducation locale des enfants en Afrique du Sud

CAPE TOWN, Afrique du Sud23 août 2022/PRNewswire/ — Le 2 août, le fabricant d’appareils électroniques de renommée mondiale, Hisense, a fait don d’appareils mobiles à Elkana Childcare, en collaboration avec MAMAS Alliance, un réseau sud-africain d’organismes à but non lucratif d’aide à l’enfance, et à la plateforme d’éducation en ligne PalFish qui a fourni plus de 100 codes de logiciel/application PalFish.

     Elkana Childcare est une organisation qui s’attache à transformer la vie des enfants vivant dans des conditions plus rurales, qui ont un impact négatif sur leur développement et leur avenir. Ce don vise à améliorer l’éducation des enfants dans la région, en particulier leurs compétences en lecture, en écriture et en écoute.

Les enfants peuvent charger le logiciel/l’application PalFish sur leur gadget Hisense ou utiliser l’application sur d’autres appareils. PalFish est une plateforme d’apprentissage et une bibliothèque de livres d’images en ligne pour tous les enfants de 2 à 12 ans, les aidant à réinventer leur apprentissage grâce à ses solutions numériques et ses produits d’apprentissage personnalisés. Le logiciel de PalFish et les appareils donnés par Hisense sont des outils utilisés par les éducateurs d’Elkana pour améliorer leurs capacités d’enseignement et d’interaction avec les enfants. Hisense se targue d’aider la communauté là où elle le peut, et ce n’est que le début de la relation entre Hisense et Elkana Childcare.

Hisense a également participé activement à diverses activités de protection sociale en Afrique du Sud, contribuant à l’essor de la communauté locale et s’inscrivant dans une démarche de soutien à long terme. L’entreprise a apporté son soutien aux personnes âgées isolées dans les institutions de retraite locales, fait don de télévisions et de biens de première nécessité au centre d’aide à l’enfance à but non lucratif à Johannesburg, et a contribué à l’hôpital pour enfants de la Croix-Rouge sud-africaine ainsi qu’à d’autres projets, afin d’aider activement à résoudre les problèmes d’éducation et d’emploi dans la région africaine.

Photo –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1882466/image_1.jpg 

Emirate Lithium Prepares for U.S. IPO

LAGOS, Nigeria, Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emirate Lithium & Geominerals Limited (”Emirate Lithium” or the “Company”), a subsidiary of Emirate Group focused on the exploration, mining, trading and exporting of solid mineral ores, including lithium spodumene, tin, columbite, zircon sand (brown), monazite and tantalite to Europe and Asia, is preparing to file its S-1 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission with the goal of listing of its shares via an IPO on the Nasdaq Global Market in the United States.

The Company intends to raise approximately $15.0 million in the IPO of its ordinary common shares. The proceeds of the planned IPO would be used to further deepen the Company’s exploration activities at its Iwajowa and Kaima lithium projects, located within the known pegmatite belt in southwestern and north-central Nigeria, and to expand Emirate Lithium’s mineral processing and warehousing capacity. Additionally, the new capital is expected to accelerate the Company’s plans to pursue new lithium mine acquisitions in its quest to be the largest holder of lithium assets in Africa.

As a first step towards its potential IPO on the Nasdaq, Emirate Lithium has engaged small-cap IR leader RedChip Companies, Inc. and NYC securities attorneys Dentons LLP to provide IR/PR and legal services, respectively.

About Emirate Lithium

Emirate Lithium was incorporated in 2017 and commenced operations in 2018 as a mining, minerals, processing, and export company. The Company commenced open pit mining (surface mining) operations working with artisanal and small-scale operators in 2020 to establish lithium ore-grade quantities and build customer demand. Emirate Lithium currently has 27 minerals exploration licenses acquired from the Nigerian Mining Cadastre Office (“MCO”). Six of the 27 licenses are for lithium, making the Company a major holder of lithium assets in Sub-Sahara Africa, with Emirate Lithium poised to become the largest holder of lithium assets in the continent.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release includes certain “forward-looking statements” for the purpose of providing information about management’s current expectations and plans relating to the future. Forward-looking statements are based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Emirate Lithium disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


Dave Gentry, CEO
RedChip Companies, Inc.
1-800-Red-Chip (733-2441)

Cellebrite Wins Multiple Forensic Focus 4:cast Awards, Continuing a Decade-Plus Track Record of Digital Forensics Leadership

Cellebrite sweeps the categories and wins every major award, including DFIR Commercial Tool of the Year and Investigator of the Year three years in a row

PETAH TIKVA, Israel and TYSONS CORNER, Va., Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a global leader in Digital Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced that it was honored with winning all the categories for which the company was nominated at the prestigious 2022 Forensic Focus 4:cast awards.

Cellebrite winning every major award for which it was nominated, including DFIR Commercial Tool of the Year and the Investigator of the Year for the third year in a row, proves its continual leadership in digital forensics. This is the 13th consecutive year that Cellebrite has competed in the awards, which began 15 years ago.

Leeor Ben-Peretz, Chief Strategy Officer at Cellebrite, stated: “Winning these awards is validation from the digital forensics community that our portfolio of solutions and staff are world-class. We would like to thank the SANS Institute and Forensic Focus for producing a show that recognizes the best in the industry. Building on our years-long success, we will continue to provide the community with technological innovation that accelerates digital investigations.”

Cellebrite is honored to have received the following awards:

DFIR Commercial Tool of the Year: Awarded to Cellebrite for the suite of tools it produced to speed up and help validate data pertaining to investigations.

Digital Forensic Investigator of the Year: Cellebrite’s investigator won due to the tireless work and research produced every day. The award validates the investigators’ willingness to lend a helping hand no matter the time of day.

DFIR Team of the Year: Receiving this award demonstrates that the DFIR community perceives Cellebrite as their strategic partner, part of their team, working together side by side to promote the concept of “trust but verify.”

DFIR Degree Program or Training Class of the Year: This award recognizes the comprehensive practical offering of guided training courses and certifications, all designed to prepare analysts, law enforcement, and enterprise customers to tackle investigations and technology effectively.

DFIR Social Media Contributor of the Year: In this era of social media, content is king. The Cellebrite social media contributor of the year who won this award is the ultimate contributor of social content. The contributor is always passionate about work and is constantly tweeting, posting, and sharing tips and tricks to the DFIR community.

DFIR Blog of the Year: The Cellebrite Ask the Expert blog series is a platform Cellebrite utilizes to share its findings and insights with the community.

DFIR Show of the Year: During the Covid-19 pandemic the company introduced the I Beg to DFIR webinar. This show runs monthly and focuses on new research, customer questions, and Q&A with our R&D team.

DFIR Article of the Year: Cellebrite’s investigators and thirteen co-authors crafted an article and webinar, named Six Steps to Mobile Validation, that offers DFIR experts the tools they need for handling, documenting, preserving, and validating evidence from a mobile device.

DRIF Capture the Flag (CTF) of the Year: Since its introduction in 2020, the Cellebrite CTF was a huge hit. With thousands of participants across the globe, the CTF has become the industry standard for in-depth CTFs.

About Cellebrite
Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Intelligence platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at www.cellebrite.com, https://investors.cellebrite.com, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.

Cellebrite Media
Victor Cooper
Public Relations and Corporate Communications Director
+1 404.804.5910

ZICIX owned CTIP-FII Receives Award from Liberia’s Ministry of Public Works for Road Project

ZICIX owned CTIP-FII Receives Award from Liberia’s Ministry of Public Works for Road Project

The Liberia’s Public Road Project

CARSON CITY, Nev., Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zicix Corporation’s (OTC Pink: ZICX) operating company, CTIP First Investment, Inc. (CTIP-FII), has accepted an award for the $300 million road project planned to be built in Liberia. The project will span more than 200 kilometers and connect the cities of Buchanan, Cestos, and Greenville to greatly reduce travel time and transportation costs for the coastal highway.

The project was approved by Zicix Chairman William Petty and will be developed by CTIP-FII in conjunction with AIC Progetti, SpA, an engineering consulting firm based in Rome, rated by ENR as one of the largest engineering companies in the world. AIC Progetti has completed two comprehensive feasibility studies for the road project.

The public road project is briefly described as follows:

Buchanan, Grand Bassa County to Cestos City, Rivercess County- 88.5 km

Cestos City, Rivercess County to Greenville City, Sinoe County- 150 km

Greenville City, Sinoe County through Jedepo, Sinoe County to Combat Gate, River Gee County and by way of Punes Town, Grand Gedeh County- Distance TBD

The proposed route covers about 238 km, with an additional distance to be determined at a later date. The estimated project cost for the first two stretches of highway will be approximately $318 million.

Currently under construction is the road from Buchanan to Greenville, with an additional road to Cestos City. The remaining highway portions will begin development soon. Once completed, the public will benefit from the reduced travel time as well as the ease of transport for goods to different provinces and municipalities in the southeast region of Liberia.

About the Corporations:

Zicix Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) Originally founded as a service provider to the Healthcare industry, the Zicix Corporation has recently been restructured with the intention of acquiring and developing technology applications designed for service companies in consumer, retail and other industries.

CTIP First Investment, Inc. (CTIP-FII) is a private investment and project development company, involved in undertaking development projects for both the Government and the Private Sectors respectively. CTIP-FII designs and brings the right financial engineering to project owners and creditors to fund development undertakings and permanent mortgage. www.ctip-fii.com

Safe Harbor Act: This release may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. “Forward-looking statements” describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as “may,” “future,” “plan” or “planned,” “will” or “should,” “expected,” “anticipates,” “draft,” “eventually” or “projected.” You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a company’s annual report.

For additional information, follow us on Twitter @ZICIXCorp or call 830.331.0031 and visit http://www.ctip-fii.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/d17c4ab9-715e-492e-9d24-ef17ed59add8

Rwanda Hosts 11th African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF)

Annual event serves as a platform to expand and develop the Internet in Africa

KIGALI, Rwanda, Aug. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Rwanda is for the first time hosting this year’s Africa Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) in Kigali. The forum is organized by the Internet Society (ISOC) and the African IXP Association (AFIX) in collaboration with the Rwanda Internet Community and Technology Alliance (RICTA). Running from 23 to 25 August at the Marriott Hotel, the event has convened stakeholders from across the continent and globally including Meta, Google, Liquid Intelligent Technologies, Microsoft, the Internet Initiative Japan Lab, and Africa Data Centers, among others.

Internet Society

The annual event, now in its 11th edition, serves as a platform to expand and develop the African Internet. It connects infrastructure, service, and content providers to identify ways to improve network interconnection, lower the cost of connectivity, and increase the Internet’s resiliency and experience for local users. It also provides participants with global and regional insights for maximizing opportunities to help grow Internet infrastructure and services in Africa.

AfPIF was created to address the fact that most of Africa’s local Internet traffic is exchanged outside the continent. Exchanging traffic locally through Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) reduces Internet access costs and network delays and increases content access speeds.

IXPs are technical infrastructures that enable a faster, cheaper, and more reliable Internet experience by bringing multiple networks from the private, public, and educational sectors together to connect and exchange Internet traffic. Instead of using expensive international transit routes, Internet traffic is exchanged locally and access speeds for content can be up to 10 times faster as result.

This year’s AfPIF focuses on Internet interconnection dynamics, content distribution, and transit obstacles at local and regional levels. The Kigali forum marks a return to in-person meetings since AfPIF’s postponement in 2020 due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.


Rwanda Permanent Secretary for the Ministry ICT and Innovation Mr. Yves Iradukunda said: “Broadband Internet access and utilization have a profound impact on the improvement of services delivery across all sectors of our economy. Today, Internet usage enables better outcomes in learning, delivering healthcare, managing better our energy resources, and achieving higher citizen engagement with the Government.

We are, therefore, very pleased to host this year’s Africa Peering and Interconnection Forum, a meeting that will discuss how to improve network interconnection locally and within the region.”

Michuki Mwangi, Distinguished Technologist, Internet Society said: “We have made considerable progress in the establishment of new Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) while supporting the growth of existing ones. However, we have yet to realize the full impact of exchanging Internet traffic at the 49 IXPs across 35 countries in Africa. For this to be achieved, we are taking lessons from the report ‘Moving Toward an Interconnected Africa: The 80/20 Initiative‘ and focusing on growing the number of local, cross-border, and international networks that connect at IXPs. We believe this is possible with enhanced collaboration between Internet service providers, mobile network operators, content providers, large enterprise networks, and policy makers.https://www.internetsociety.org/resources/doc/2021/moving-toward-an-interconnected-africa-the-80-20-initiative/

Grace Ingabire Mwikarago, Chief Executive Officer, RICTA, said: “We are honored to host this unique conference. The importance of IXPs in contributing to the overall socio-economic development of Africa cannot be overstated, especially in critical situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. IXPs enable online learning and remote work in such circumstances. Email, videoconferencing, mobile communication, and messaging also make social distancing more bearable, helping people adapt to the new normal. Without these technologies, thousands of companies would not be operational.”

Kyle Spencer, Co-Coordinator of the African IXP Association, said: “Rwanda is a small landlocked country that promoted its economic development and regional independence by combining progressive telecommunications policy with an investment-friendly business climate. As a key gateway between East and Central Africa, Rwanda is an ideal venue for discussing the challenges and opportunities in our region.”

Ben Roberts, Group Chief Technology and Innovations Officer at Liquid Intelligent Technologies, said: At the heart of the accelerated digital transformation in Africa are the peering and exchanges of the Internet and digital infrastructure. Therefore, it is vital for people from the Internet community to reconvene in person to understand the advancements made and the journey ahead. Liquid Intelligent Technologies is a critical player in the TMT industry, and we are proud to be the platinum sponsor of AfPIF 2022.”

About the Internet Society

Founded by Internet pioneers, the Internet Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the open development, evolution and use of the Internet. Working through a global community of chapters and members, the Internet Society collaborates with a broad range of groups to promote the technologies that keep the Internet safe and secure, and advocates for policies that enable universal access. The Internet Society is also the organizational home of the Internet Engineering Task Force.

About AF-IX

The African IXP Association is a group of Internet Exchange Point (IXP) operators from across Africa, brought together by a shared need to coordinate and exchange knowledge. It aims to foster an enabling environment for IXP operators, improve connectivity within the continent, and increase the Internet’s value for all. AF-IX was established in 2012, joined the Internet Exchange Federation in 2014, and now organizes the annual African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF).


RICTA is a not-for-profit organization representing the interests of the Rwandan Internet community. It was formed in 2005 with the objective of managing the .rw country code top-level domain and the Rwanda Internet Exchange Point, as well as promoting the localisation of local content. RICTA’s impartial position ensures that it enhances and promotes Internet usage in Rwanda.

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Casio va lancer des montres G-SHOCK avec lunette et bracelet intégrés

TOKYO, 23 août 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. a annoncé aujourd’hui la sortie des toutes dernières nouvelles montres antichocs G-SHOCK : quatre modèles GA-B001 et GA-B001G dotés d’une toute nouvelle conception de lunette et de bracelet intégrés.


Avec les modèles GA-B001 et GA-B001G, Casio fait preuve d’ingéniosité en matière de design externe pour obtenir une conception intégrée de la lunette et du bracelet dans une montre résistant aux chocs. Ce sont les premières montres G-SHOCK à présenter cette structure innovante, qui se compose de deux éléments distincts reliés aux positions 9 et 3 heures. La conception moulée suit les lignes du poignet, minimisant l’espace entre celui-ci et la montre pour un meilleur ajustement.

Le design de ces nouvelles montres évoque une passerelle vers des univers de réalité virtuelle. Dotées d’un cadran géométrique et d’un index rond, ces montres sont une illustration avant-gardiste du design de demain.GA-B001-1A/GA-B001-4A/GA-B001G-1A/GA-B001G-2A

En matière de couleurs, les modèles GA-B001 affichent le coloris noir de la marque G-SHOCK et une nouvelle nuance de rouge, tandis que les modèles GA-B001G adoptent un dégradé de couleurs sur des matériaux translucides pour la lunette et le bracelet.

Ces montres sont toutes équipées de la fonction Mobile Link pour le couplage avec un smartphone via Bluetooth®. Lorsqu’elle est utilisée avec l’application CASIO WATCHES dédiée, la montre se règle automatiquement sur l’heure exacte. En outre, la fonction d’information de l’appli envoie des notifications sur la montre lorsque l’appli reçoit des actualités sur les nouveaux produits et d’autres informations.Integrated bezel and band construction (GA-B001G)

Le nom et les logos Bluetooth® sont des marques déposées appartenant à Bluetooth SIG, Inc. et toute utilisation de ces marques par Casio Computer Co., Ltd. se fait sous licence.

Pour en savoir plus : https://www.casio.com/intl/news/2022/0823-ga-b001/

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1874692/GA_B001_GA_B001G.jpg
Photo- https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1874693/GA_B001_1A_GA_B001_4A_GA_B001G_1A_GA_B001G_2A.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1874694/Integrated_bezel_band_construction__GA_B001G.jpg