Risen Energy reconnu comme étant « le plus performant » pour la deuxième année consécutive par le PVEL 

NINGBO, Chine17 juin 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Risen Energy Co., Ltd (Shenzhen : 300118), un des principaux fabricants de produits solaires et photovoltaïques haute performance, a révélé avoir été reconnu comme le « plus performant » pour la deuxième année consécutive dans le PV Module Reliability Scorecard par le PV Evolution Lab’s (PVEL) 2022, pour la fiabilité et la performance exceptionnelles de ses produits.

Les classements sont basés sur les données de performance et de fiabilité du programme de qualification des produits des modules photovoltaïques PVEL, une série de tests en laboratoire et sur le terrain qui permettent de prendre des décisions d’achat et d’investissement dans le domaine de l’énergie solaire.

Tristan Erion-Lorico, responsable de l’activité des modules PV chez PVEL, a déclaré : « Chaque année, plus de 100 fabricants et plusieurs centaines de types de produits participent au classement de PVEL et seuls quelques-uns rigoureusement sélectionnés, parviennent à la reconnaissance finale des du plus performant. Nous sommes heureux de voir à nouveau le nom de Risen Energy sur la liste et nous espérons sincèrement tester d’autres nouveaux produits Risen à l’avenir, car la société continue d’innover. »

B Veerraju Chaudary, directeur des ventes et du marketing (CSMO) de Risen Energy, a déclaré : « La fiabilité et l’innovation sont gravées dans l’ADN de Risen. Nous ne cessons de trouver une meilleure façon de répondre aux besoins des clients en matière de solutions énergétiques de haute qualité, durables et économiques. Par exemple, notre nouveau produit Hyper-ion, qui utilise la technologie de pointe HJT, avec une puissance de sortie de plus de 700 Wp par module, offre le meilleur choix pour les clients qui attendent des performances plus élevées avec un coût d’équilibre du système et un coût d’électricité nivelé plus bas. Nous sommes impatients de le voir figurer dans la liste des plus performants de l’année prochaine. »

« Risen se concentre depuis plus de deux décennies sur l’alimentation du monde avec des modules photovoltaïques de la meilleure qualité et du meilleur rapport qualité-prix. Nous avons réalisé une série de développements en matière d’innovation technologique. Nos produits de la série Titan, qui produisent plus d’énergie et sont plus efficaces, ont reçu une forte reconnaissance du marché depuis leur lancement », a déclaré Danny Song, directeur des produits de Risen Energy. « Il est maintenant encourageant de voir que notre savoir-faire technique avancé est également reconnu par une tierce partie faisant autorité. »

À propos de Risen

Risen Energy est un fabricant mondial de premier plan de produits solaires photovoltaïques à haute performance, classé Tier 1 et noté « AAA », et un fournisseur de solutions commerciales globales pour la production d’électricité. La société, fondée en 1986 et cotée en bourse en 2010, s’efforce de créer de la valeur pour ses clients internationaux, en gagnant des parts de marché remarquables en Chine, au Brésil, en Inde, au Vietnam, en Australie et dans 50 autres pays et régions. Avec une capacité annuelle de modules de 30 GW et 22 subventions du réseau commercial mondial, Risen Energy fournit d’excellents services et des partenariats à long terme à ses clients sur les marchés des services publics, commerciaux et résidentiels.  Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur notre site web. www.risenenergy.com

À propos de PV Evolution Labs (PVEL)

PVEL est le principal laboratoire indépendant pour le secteur de l’énergie solaire et du stockage d’énergie, et est membre du groupe Kiwa. En tant que pionnier des tests de bancabilité, PVEL a accumulé plus d’une dizaine d’années de données mesurées sur la fiabilité et la performance des équipements PV et de stockage. Aujourd’hui, PVEL fournit aux promoteurs, aux investisseurs et aux propriétaires d’actifs un ensemble de services techniques permettant de réduire les risques, d’optimiser le financement et d’améliorer les performances du système tout au long du cycle de vie du projet. Les programmes phares de qualification des produits de PVEL pour les modules PV, les onduleurs et les systèmes de stockage d’énergie mettent les fabricants en relation avec un réseau mondial de plus de 400 partenaires en aval représentant un pouvoir d’achat annuel de plus de 30 gigawatts. Découvrez comment PVEL donne de l’importance aux données sur pvel.com.

Risen Energy Recognized as A “Top Performer” in Second Consecutive Year by PVEL

NINGBO, China, June 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Risen Energy Co., Ltd (Shenzhen: 300118), a leading, Tier 1 manufacturer of high-performance solar photovoltaic products, disclosed today that it has been recognized as a “Top Performer” in second consecutive year in PV Evolution Lab’s (PVEL) 2022 PV Module Reliability Scorecard, for its outstanding product reliability and performance.

Rankings are based on performance and reliability data from the PVEL PV Module Product Qualification Program, a suite of lab and field tests that inform solar energy related market procurement and investment decisions.

Tristan Erion-Lorico, Head of PV Module Business at PVEL, said: “Each year, out of 100 manufactures and many hundreds of product types participate in PVEL’s ranking and only a highly selected few make to the final Top Performers recognition. We are pleased to see Risen Energy’s name on the list again and we sincerely hope to test more new Risen products in the future as the company keeps innovating.”

B Veerraju Chaudary, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer (CSMO) of Risen Energy, said, “Reliability and innovation are engraved in the DNA of Risen. We never stop finding a better way to support customers’ needs for high-quality, durable and economic energy solutions. For example, our newly released product Hyper-ion, using the cutting-edge HJT technology, with its power output more than 700Wp per Module, offers best choice for customers who are expecting higher performance with lower balance-of-system cost and levelized cost of electricity. We can’t wait to see it be included in next year’s Top Performer list.”

“Risen have been focusing on powering the world with best quality and cost-effective PV module products more than two decades. We have made a string of developments in technology innovation. Our Titan series products, with more power generation and higher efficiency, have received strong market recognition since launching,” said Danny Song, Product Director of Risen Energy, “Now it’s encouraging to see our advanced technical know-how earn the recognition from a renowned authoritative third party as well.”

About Risen

Risen Energy is a leading, global, Tier 1, “AAA” credit rated manufacturer of high-performance solar photovoltaic products and provider of total business solutions for power generation. The Company, founded in 1986 and publicly listed in 2010, compels value generation for its global customers, gaining remarkable market share in China, Brazil, India, Vietnam, Australia and other 50 countries and regions. With annual module capacity of 30GW, and 22 global business network subsidies, Risen Energy provides excellent services and long-term partnerships to its customers in the utility, commercial, and residential markets. For more information, please visit our website: www.risenenergy.com

About PV Evolution Labs (PVEL)

PVEL is the leading independent lab for the downstream solar and energy storage industry and a member of the Kiwa Group. As a bankability testing pioneer, PVEL has accumulated more than a decade of measured reliability and performance data for PV and storage equipment. Today PVEL provides developers, investors and asset owners with a suite of technical services for mitigating risk, optimizing financing and improving system performance throughout the project lifecycle. PVEL’s flagship Product Qualification Programs for PV modules, inverters and energy storage systems connect manufacturers with a global network of 400+ downstream partners representing 30+ gigawatts of annual buying power. Learn how PVEL makes data matter at pvel.com.


Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage Wins Best of Show Award at Interop Tokyo 2022

SHENZHEN, China, June 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — At Interop Tokyo 2022, the largest ICT exhibition in Japan, Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage won Special Prize for Best of Show Award in the Server & Storage category. This is the first world-class award won by Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage, demonstrating its high-end and competitive advantages.

Award-winning review: Unparalleled backup storage performance. With rapid backup speeds and high data reduction ratios, the system may revolutionize applications and system designs and propel a new backup storage model into the future.

Interop Tokyo is the largest and most influential ICT exhibition in Japan. Each year, top technology companies from around the world showcase their leading solutions and technical prowess, to compete for Interop’s positive reviews. Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage earned plaudits from IT experts and reviewers with its industry-leading, unique solution and flawless on-site demonstration.

The traditional Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape (D2D2T) model for data protection faces problems like long backup window and recovery time, while the new era of Flash-to-Flash-to-Anything (F2F2X) is redefining the model as backup solutions are going flash, further unlocking the value of data. The Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage, as the next-generation intelligent all-flash benchmark product, is built for the F2F2X age, featuring rapid backup and recovery, efficient reduction, and high reliability.

Why Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage was crowned the winner

The first advantage is rapid backup and recovery. At the front end, OceanProtect uses DTOE intelligent network interface card (NIC) to optimize protocol computing and release CPU computing resources, doubling the array bandwidth compared to traditional NIC. Furthermore, OceanProtect supports high-performance SSDs at the back end. The end-to-end full acceleration feature enables up to 155 TB/hour backup and 172 TB/hour recovery bandwidths, respectively.

In terms of efficient reduction, multi-layer inline variable-length dedupe, feature-based compression, and byte-level compaction achieve up to 72:1 data reduction ratio, which contributed to great TCO savings.

Furthermore, 6-nines high reliability is built on the Active-Active redundancy hardware architecture and RAID-TP technology, which can tolerate three disk failures and implement failover within seconds when single controller failure, achieving high availability and reliability.

In the F2F2X age, data protection is embracing a new ecosystem and challenges. Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage adapts to high-speed backup models in diverse industries and application environments, providing premium backup and recovery to safeguard your data assets in the intelligent world.

For more information about Huawei OceanProtect solutions, please visit:


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1842297/image_986294_35954756.jpg

China National Silk Museum Hosts International Museum Day Forum with New Vision of Development

HANGZHOU, China, June 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — China National Silk Museum (NSM) announced the successful conclusion of the 2022 International Museum Day Forum, which was held on May 17 to mark the 30th anniversary of the Museum with the theme “The Power of Museums: Research, Collaborations, and Community”.

Dr. Zhao Feng hosts the International Museum Day Forum

Yucai Gu, Deputy Director of National Cultural Heritage Administration in China, Laishun An, Vice President of ICOM, Xudong Wang, Director of Palace Museum, Heather Brown, Deputy Director of Cleveland Museum of Art, Maxwell Hearn, Douglas Dillon Chairman of the Department of Asian Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sally Yerkovich, Chair of ICOM Standing Committee on Ethics, and many other academics participated in and gave speeches.

At the end of the event, Dr. Zhao Feng, Director of NSM, delivered a keynote speech to highlight the progress and achievements of the Museum over the past three decades. Also, with the core value of the Museum “Newer, Broader, Deeper”, he introduced the three major aspects – research and digitization, international collaboration, and community integration – that pave the way for it to become one of China’s top museums.

Research and digitization empower NSM

NSM has been building and refining its digital museum platform “Silk Road Online Museum” in collaboration with over forty museums worldwide. This initiative allows general public to participate in the virtual experiences including digital collections, digital exhibitions, digital knowledge, and online curating platform.

International collaborations empower NSM

NSM has also been closely involved in different cross-border collaborations, aiming to foster new ideas that generate innovation and help the museum think out of the box. In 2020, the museum cooperated with scholars and universities abroad to launch the “World Map of Silk”.

Community integration  empowers NSM

For years, NSM has also been engaging with communities to promote and preserve China’s traditional handicrafts. The Museum has partnered with enthusiasts of Hanfu (the traditional styles of clothing worn by the Han Chinese) to host the Hanfu Festival every April.

The forum also offered a unique opportunity for museum leaders from around the world to come together for a sustained exchange of ideas and expertise over this year’s International Museum Day theme ‘The Power of Museums’, aiming to bring positive change to the museum world.

To view the full videos of forum, please visit the Museum Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjF4USuhmJs&list=PLGVlY9SCbAsNj_M4_KouZf6oDc8Ifbzy5

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1841299/Dr__Zhao_Feng_hosts_the_International_Museum_Day_Forum.jpg

Outreach renforce son engagement envers la région EMOA en ouvrant un nouveau centre de données en Irlande

Le premier centre de données européen de l’entreprise permet aux clients de la région EMOA d’aller au-delà des exigences du RGPD pour répondre à des conditions strictes en matière de résidence des données, notamment la certification ISO 27701 relative à la confidentialité des données.

LONDRES, 17 juin 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Outreach, la plateforme d’exécution des ventes qui aide les entreprises à assurer une croissance efficace et prévisible, a ouvert un centre de données dédié à l’UE à Dublin, en Irlande, pour aider ses clients de la région EMOA à aller au-delà des exigences du RGPD et à répondre à des conditions strictes en matière de résidence des données. Outreach renforce ainsi son engagement à aider ses clients internationaux à respecter les réglementations strictes en matière de confidentialité.

Grâce à ce nouveau centre de données, Outreach peut assurer la résidence des données de ses clients au sein de l’Union européenne. Hébergé dans le centre de données régional d’Amazon Web Services (AWS) à Dublin, il stocke les données appartenant aux clients et associées aux organes d’Outreach. Il s’agit notamment des prospects, des comptes, des organisations et des données de flux de travail telles que les séquences, les appels et les réunions contenues dans l’infrastructure de l’UE, qui sont toutes traitées par Outreach.

Les clients d’Outreach dans la région EMOA qui adhéreront au nouveau centre de données pourront utiliser Outreach Engage, la plateforme d’engagement des ventes d’Outreach qui permet aux entreprises de maximiser leur productivité en matière de prospection et d’optimiser en permanence leur exécution des ventes. Grâce à des flux d’engagement reconnus qui transforment les informations en actions, Outreach Engage permet aux vendeurs de prendre les meilleures décisions pour faire avancer leurs affaires tout au long du cycle de vente.

Outreach compte mettre en place des fonctionnalités et des services supplémentaires, notamment les rapports Outreach Insights, Outreach Commit et Outreach Guide, dans son nouveau centre de données afin d’optimiser l’exécution des ventes auprès de sa clientèle dans la région EMOA. Les vendeurs de la région EMOA pourront ainsi tirer parti de l’automatisation des ventes et des impressions des acheteurs pour fournir des services sur mesure à leurs prospects.

« Notre nouveau centre de données permet aux responsables commerciaux européens et à leurs équipes de stimuler la croissance grâce à un système intelligent qui répond aux exigences les plus rigoureuses au monde en matière de sécurité et de confidentialité des données, a déclaré Manny Medina, PDG et cofondateur d’Outreach. Au cours des deux dernières années, nous avons ouvert notre bureau au Royaume-Uni et notre centre d’innovation à Prague, et nous avons lancé une série de fonctionnalités axées sur la région EMOA, notamment la prise en charge de 18 langues et de plusieurs devises, ainsi que la configuration des séquences basées sur les horaires locales pour permettre différentes configurations de la semaine de travail et la prise en charge des congés. Notre nouveau centre de données est la preuve la plus récente du soutien que nous apportons à nos clients européens afin qu’ils puissent tirer parti de tout le potentiel de nos produits et services d’exécution des ventes. »

Outreach s’engage à respecter des exigences rigoureuses en matière de sécurité et de confidentialité des données, comme l’attestent les principales certifications de tiers indépendants. La plateforme d’exécution des ventes Outreach répond déjà aux principales exigences du RGPD européen et britannique. Outreach est également une des premières sociétés de sa catégorie à répondre à la certification ISO 27701 relative à la confidentialité des données, ce qui démontre sa conformité au RGPD et aux autres réglementations en matière de protection des données. L’ouverture d’un nouveau centre de données au sein de l’UE permet aux entreprises qui y sont basées et qui exigent que leurs données résident dans la même région géographique dans le cadre de leurs politiques de sécurité et de confidentialité d’utiliser Outreach Engage.

À propos d’Outreach

Outreach  est une plateforme d’exécution des ventes qui aide les entreprises à générer une croissance efficace et prévisible. Nous aidons les entreprises à atteindre leur objectif de croissance en leur fournissant des flux d’exécution des ventes qui s’appuient sur l’intelligence artificielle et l’apprentissage automatique pour combler les écarts d’exécution tout au long du cycle de vente, de la prospection à la gestion des affaires et aux prévisions. Outreach est la seule société à proposer l’engagement des ventes, l’intelligence des revenus et les opérations de revenus sur une même plateforme. Plus de 5 500 entreprises, dont Zoom, Adobe, Okta, DocuSign et SAP, font confiance à Outreach pour optimiser leur chiffre d’affaires. Outreach est une société privée basée à Seattle, Washington, qui possède des bureaux dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter le site www.outreach.io.

Zoomlion présente son excavatrice vedette au salon Buildexpo Africa 2022 et lance sa tournée de service africaine

NAIROBI, Kenya, 16 juin 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (« Zoomlion »; 1157.HK) a présenté une gamme de produits vedettes, y compris l’excavatrice ZE215E, lors du 23e salon Buildexpo 2022 qui s’est tenu à Nairobi, au Kenya.

Lors du salon, Zoomlion a annoncé le lancement de sa tournée de service africaine 2022 pour rendre visite aux clients locaux, inspecter et évaluer les conditions de fonctionnement de l’équipement, et résoudre les problèmes tout en formant les clients et les opérateurs à l’exploitation et à la maintenance des équipements.  Zoomlion cherche également à mieux comprendre les demandes des clients et à offrir la meilleure assistance. Zoomlion effectue les tournées de service en Afrique depuis 2010.

« La construction d’infrastructures est extrêmement importante pour le développement de l’industrialisation et le progrès en Afrique, a déclaré Li Bin, directeur général adjoint de la filiale étrangère de Zoomlion.  Nous poursuivons notre stratégie de localisation en matière de développement de produits, notamment pour faire face à l’environnement de travail en Afrique. Nous avons adopté diverses solutions technologiques et techniques pour améliorer la capacité d’évacuation thermique des équipements, maximiser la protection des composants clés et assurer la sécurité de l’équipement. »

Zoomlion est entré sur le marché africain en 2007 et a mis en place un réseau complet, suivant une stratégie d’amélioration des produits, de service renforcé et d’assistance pour la gestion des pièces de rechange.  Elle vend maintenant des machines d’accueil, de terrassement, des machines à béton et bien d’autres à travers toute l’Afrique, notamment en Algérie, en Tanzanie, au Kenya, au Nigéria, en Éthiopie, en Namibie, au Botswana, au Mozambique, au Zimbabwe, en Angola et au Cameroun.  À ce jour, Zoomlion a vendu au total 5 000 unités d’équipement en Afrique.

Au cours de la dernière décennie, Zoomlion a participé à de nombreux projets de construction clés en Afrique en soutien aux infrastructures locales, y compris la ligne de chemin de fer Mombasa-Nairobi, les tours Hass (autrefois le plus haut bâtiment d’Afrique) ou le nouveau terminal de l’aéroport Houari Boumédiène en Algérie.

Zoomlion a des filiales enregistrées en Afrique du Sud, des bureaux en Algérie et en Afrique de l’Ouest, des entrepôts de pièces de rechange en Algérie et à Johannesburg, en Afrique du Sud, avec une équipe locale composée de dizaines d’employés, de nombreux revendeurs locaux et réseaux de distribution pour fournir aux clients locaux des services tout-en-un de vente, de service, de technologie et de financement.  Fondée en 2017 en Algérie, la coentreprise de Zoomlion est aujourd’hui la première des trois plus grandes entreprises chinoises exportatrices de machines de construction en Afrique.

« En tant que principal fabricant de machines de construction, Zoomlion soutient activement les chantiers en Afrique avec une équipe de vente et de service efficace, qui propose une assistance locale pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de nos produits », a déclaré Li Bin.

Somali Forces Kill Dozens of al-Shabab Terrorists in Central Somalia

Dozens of people were killed in fierce fighting between residents backed by Somali government forces and al-Shabab militants in the town of Adado in central Somalia, witnesses and regional officials told VOA on Friday.

Witnesses and Somali officials in the region said the fighting began when members of the terrorist group invaded the small town of Bahdo, about 60 kilometers east of Adado.

Somali military spokesman Yabal Haji Aden told VOA that the militants began their attack with a suicide vehicle-borne explosive, detonated near the entrance of the town. That set off an intense street battle between the militants and the town’s local militia, which was backed by units of Somali forces.

“They tried to detonate three explosives-laden vehicles … one of [which] detonated when our soldiers hit it with a rocket-propelled grenade,” the spokesman said. “They [then] abandoned the second one, and the third vehicle escaped.”

Galguduud regional Governor Ali Elmi Ganey said the joint forces killed about 47 fighters from the extremist group.

“The terrorists have tasted death, both inside and outside of the town. They left 47 dead bodies, guns and military ammunition,” he said.

Residents in the town and officials said three children, a well-known religious scholar and three soldiers were also killed during the fighting.

Bahdo is known to have been a base for moderate Islamist scholars, the governor said, explaining that fighters belonging to the moderate Sufi Islamist militia known as Ahlu-Sunna Wal-Jamaa — a group nominally aligned with Somalia’s military in viewing al-Shabab extremists as an enemy — were involved the fighting.

Ahlu-Sunna Wal-Jamaa began a war against al-Shabab militants in late 2008 over sectarian differences but has also clashed with government forces over political differences and control of the central Somali town.

In an interview with VOA, Ahmed Shire Falagle, information minister for Galmudug state, which includes the Galguduud administrative region, said the militants’ attack on the town did not come as a surprise.

“Our forces, those of Ahlu-Sunna and the residents, [were] tipped off prior to the al-Shabab attack,” he said, adding that al-Shabab suffered about 100 casualties, including the dead and injured.

After the fighting, local militia and government forces showed the bodies of some 30 dead militants.

Al-Shabab has been fighting for years to dislodge the country’s central government and has targeted moderate Islamist groups.

The group frequently carries out shootings and bombings at both military and civilian targets and has also attacked regional targets, especially in neighboring Kenya.

Analysts said Friday’s fighting was the deadliest in recent years for al-Shabab and came days after Somalia’s president appointed a new prime minister, who has called the fight against al-Shabab a priority.

Source: Voice of America

World Refugee Day 2022: New Ipsos survey shows greater compassion for forcibly displaced as war in Ukraine wears on

A NEW global study carried out in 28 countries by Ipsos for World Refugee Day shows that:

Three in four adults on average across the countries surveyed agree with the principle that people should be able to take refuge in other countries to escape war or persecution, and attitudes toward refugees have become more positive on average since last year.

Two in three support allowing more people into their country if they are seeking refuge to escape war, violent conflict, or natural disaster or the effects of climate change, but there is less support for those seeking refuge due to personal characteristics such as gender, sexuality or political opinions.

Two in five say they have taken action to support refugees in the past 12 months, and nearly half of these were particularly motivated by the Ukraine war.

The public is divided on whether governments are currently accepting the right number of refugees or spending the right amount to support refugees.

There are rising levels of support for those seeking refuge from war and persecution and more people are backing refugee causes.

The survey, released today by Ipsos ahead of World Refugee Day on 20 June, reveals a global country average of78% of people, in the 28 countries surveyed, agreed in principle that people should be able to take refuge in other countries, including their own, to escape war or persecution. Around one in six (16%) disagree with this principle. Attitudes have become more favourable since last year in most of the countries surveyed, suggesting that the Ukraine crisis has increased public openness to refugees and reversed some of the concerns generated by the pandemic.

The survey, which was conducted online between 22 April and 6 May 2022 with 20,505 adults aged under 74, shows that a majority in all countries surveyed agreed with this principle, with the highest agreement in Sweden (88%), Brazil (86%) and Poland (85%) and the lowest levels of agreement in South Korea (61%), Malaysia (64%) and Turkey (66%).

The backdrop to the survey is that over 100 million people are now forcibly displaced around the world, according to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in light of the war in Ukraine, which is the fastest displacement crisis in recent times.

Nearly two-thirds (a global country average of 64%) support allowing more refugees into their country who are seeking refuge to escape war or violent conflict, with one in ten (11%) opposing.

With climate change effects expected to drive additional displacement in the future, a majority (55%) support allowing more people into their country who are seeking refuge to escape natural disaster or the effects of climate change, with one in seven (14%) opposing this.

When it comes to those seeking refuge due to personal characteristics, however, levels of support are lower. Two in five (41%) support allowing more people into their country if they are seeking refuge due to their race, ethnicity or nationality (19% oppose); two in five (38%) if due to their sexual orientation or gender identity (23% oppose) and the same proportion (38%) if due to their gender (20% oppose); a third (36%) if due to their religion (23% oppose); and a third (35%) if due to their political opinion (24% oppose).

Two in five (40%) reported that they have taken action to support refugees in the past 12 months – many for the first time, and with nearly half of them being motivated by the war in Ukraine:

The proportion saying they have taken action to support refugees is highest in Poland, which is hosting the largest number of Ukrainian refugees; seven in ten (72%) of those in Poland say they have taken action. Over two-fifths (45%) of those who say they took action would describe their actions as motivated by the war in Ukraine; two in five (39%) say it was the first time they had ever supported refugees, and a quarter (24%) say they regularly support refugees.

Gillian Triggs, UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, said: “The war in Ukraine has triggered an outpouring of compassion, support and funding. We hope this momentum can be maintained, so that all, and not some, refugees have access to protection and receive support. Because everyone has the right to seek safety no matter who they are or where they come from.”

Skepticism towards refugees persists

Not all the findings were so positive for refugees. For example:

Over half (54%) agree that most foreigners who want to enter their country as a refugee are there for economic reasons or to take advantage of welfare services (37% disagree). Half (50%) believe most refugees will successfully integrate into their new society, while 40% disagree. A similar number, (47%) think that refugees make a positive contribution to their country (41% disagree). While more than half (56%) disagree that borders should be closed to refugees entirely, a third (36%) agree and think their country cannot accept any more refugees at this time.

Despite increased support for refugees, views are divided on whether governments should provide more support

Three in five (60%) agree that being allowed to work would help asylum seekers to learn their country’s language and integrate (13% disagree), but views on this policy are nuanced. Almost half (48%) say that giving asylum seekers the right to work while waiting for a decision on their asylum claim could attract people to their country without a genuine asylum claim.

Views are divided as to whether governments are currently accepting the right number of refugees or spending the right amount on support to refugees.

Over a third (36%) think their government should accept fewer refugees than it does at present, and a third (33%) believe their government is currently accepting the right number. Just one in six (15%) think their government should accept more refugees.

Two-fifths (41%) think their government should maintain current spending levels on support for refugees around the world, while a quarter (28%) think the government should decrease current spending levels. Only one in six (16%) think spending should be increased.

Trinh Tu, Managing Director of Public Affairs, Ipsos UK said: “The war in Ukraine has galvanised public support for refugees fleeing war or persecution across the 28 countries surveyed, with many people taking personal action to support refugees for the first time. And as we emerge from COVID-19, the public are also more relaxed about keeping their countries’ borders open to refugees. However, public concerns that most refugees are not genuine persist, as is the public’s lack of awareness and support for those seeking refuge for other reasons. The warming of public attitudes towards refugees presents an opportune moment to address these more persistent beliefs and change hearts and minds.”

About the study

These are the results of a 28-country survey conducted by Ipsos on its Global Advisor online platform. Ipsos interviewed a total of 20,505 adults, aged 18-74 in the United States, Canada, Malaysia, South Africa, and Turkey, and age 16-74 in 23 other countries between Friday, April 22nd 2022 and Friday, May 6th, 2022.

The sample consists of approximately 1,000 individuals in each of Australia, Brazil, Canada, mainland China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the United States, and 500 individuals in each of Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Hungary, India, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey (please note that Switzerland was not included in 2021)

The samples in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the US can be taken as representative of their general adult populations under the age of 75.

The samples in Brazil, mainland China, Chile, Colombia, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey are more urban, more educated, and/or more affluent than the general population. The survey results for these countries should be viewed as reflecting the views of the more “connected” segment of their population.

The data is weighted so that each country’s sample composition best reflects the demographic profile of the adult population according to the most recent census data.

The “Global Country Average” reflects the average result for all the countries where the survey was conducted. It has not been adjusted to the population size of each country and is not intended to suggest a total result.

Where results do not sum to 100 or the “difference” appears to be +/-1 more/less than the actual, this may be due to rounding, multiple responses, or the exclusion of “don’t know” or not stated responses.

The precision of Ipsos online polls is calculated using a credibility interval with a poll of 1,000 accurate to +/- 3.5 percentage points and of 500 accurate to +/- 5.0 percentage points. For more information on the Ipsos use of credibility intervals, please visit the Ipsos website.

The publication of these findings abides by local rules and regulations.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

FAO employs innovative plant pest control solutions in Eastern Africa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Subregional Office for Eastern Africa and the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock have successfully released biological control agents of the Mango Mealybug in Burundi.

The biological control agent release was done in two provinces of Burundi, in the months of April and May in two rounds, aiming to effectively control the mealybug and reduce crop damage by the invasive plant pest. The biological pest control programme (the use of living organisms to suppress pest populations) used natural enemies of the mango mealybug: (Gyranusoidea tebygi and Anagyrus mangicola). Measuring less than 1 mm long, the tiny wasps feed exclusively on mango mealybugs and pose no human, animal or environmental risk.

The mealybug has been observed in several localities of Burundi, with significant infestations in Kirundo and Muyinga provinces. The infestation is visible on several plants such as mango, citrus, banana, guava, several ornamentals, horticultural, and shade plants. The second release took place in Muyinga province on 06 and 07 May 2022 and in Kirundo province on 08 May 2022. The parasitoids were brought from Benin by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). The FAO Burundi Country Office and the Burundi National Mango Mealybug Management Task Force members coordinated the field release in both provinces.

The mealybug is also present in Rwanda and Uganda in the Eastern African Subregion. FAO has been working closely with IITA and the governments of Rwanda and Uganda to control this pest since its emergence in 2019. Burundi is leading the regional effort by being the first country in the region to adopt this agroecological approach to restore the balance of nature by introducing the natural enemies of the mango mealybug.

Orlando Sosa, FAO Agriculture Officer, highlighted the importance of using effective pest control methods on the Mango mealybug that poses the risk of spreading to other neighbouring countries in the East African region. “The use of biological control agents has been quite successful in Western Africa, where the pest was reported in 11 countries, causing considerable crop damage. This is why we have made a technology transfer from West Africa to East Africa to employ the most effective pest management technique,” he added.

Sosa added that FAO will continue supporting affected countries through its technical cooperation project that focuses on enhancing the preparedness and response capacity of three Eastern African countries to the mango mealybug. FAO hopes to conduct the same activity of releasing these parasitoids in Rwanda and Uganda to curb the invasion of the pest onto other countries in the region and reduce regional vulnerability to food insecurity. “It is imperative for member states and farmer communities to note that the biological control of the pest will bear rapid results in radically reducing the pest population. Since the pest is exotic to these countries and arrived without its natural enemy, our release of its natural enemies will help restore the natural ecological balance. In this regard, chemical control will not help such control efforts because chemical spraying will hamper the parasitoids from doing their work effectively.”

The Director of Plant Protection at the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock of Burundi, Goreth Itangishaka expressed her government’s satisfaction with the efforts of FAO and IITA in releasing the natural enemies of the Mango Mealybug since the identification of this pest which has already caused enormous damage in the country. She pointed out that with the success of the biological control agents, production can rise to the level before the pest invasion.

The mango mealybug, also known by its scientific name – Rastrococcus invadens Williams (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is one of the pests that threaten African smallholder farmers whose livelihoods are heavily dependent on the production of mangoes. The sap-sucking insect feeds on the leaves, flowers, fruits and young parts of the Mango stem. In heavy infestations, blackish layers called sooty mould cover the leaves. The heavily attacked parts of a plant stop growing, resulting in lower productivity or death. In terms of yield: the pest causes enormous damage, causing up to 90% fruit loss, and citrus fruits can be significantly affected with fruit yield losses of up to 53%.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations