Chegou a solução para a mineração de criptografia simples


High Hash Rate

HELSÍNQUIA, Finlândia, May 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Dual Miners ( ultrapassou a marca de 45 milhões de dólares norte-americanos em encomendas e pré-vendas. As plataformas de mineração recém-introduzidas pela Dual Miners superaram o que temos atualmente no mercado de criptomoedas. O motivo não é rebuscado. Com esta inovação, tornaram a mineração distinta e simples. O que facilita ainda mais é o manual de instalação que acompanha a máquina. Não precisa de ser perito em tecnologia para entender como a mesma funciona.

Devido aos avanços na tecnologia de chips ASIC, a Dual Miners Ltd desenvolveu três soluções que são pré-configuradas para facilitar a utilização e prometem um retorno do investimento em menos de um mês. A empresa, liderada por alguns dos especialistas mais experientes na indústria de mineração de criptomoedas, está sediada no Reino Unido.

De acordo com uma declaração da mepresa , as ofertas atuais da empresa incluem DualPro, DualPro Max e o mais recente DualPremium, todos concebidos para oferecer apoio a operações lucrativas na cadeia de blocos de sua escolha.

Fundada em Londres, a Dual Miners é uma empresa de design e fabrico de chips com escritórios na Finlândia, Coreia do Sul e Austrália, além da sua sede no Reino Unido. Possui uma série de equipas com profundo conhecimento em diversos tópicos, incluindo tecnologia de cadeia de blocos e design tecnológico, entre outros.

Os consumidores podem adquirir unidades de processamento gráfico da empresa, que também fornece serviços de desenvolvimento de carteira de criptomoedas. A empresa tem escritórios em três continentes diferentes. O facto de a Dual Miners ter acumulado uma quantidade substancial de experiência de mercado rendeu-lhe uma reputação respeitável na área de cadeias de blocos.

Como resultado, a Dual Miners pagará os custos de envio e as tarifas de importação, permitindo que os consumidores não gastem mais do que o custo do dispositivo e ainda recebam tudo o que precisam para começar sem incorrer em custos adicionais.

Sobre a Dual Miners

Fundada em 2015 com a intenção de desenvolver e comercializar os primeiros mineradores de criptomoedas duplos líderes a nível mundial que utilizam a tecnologia SHA-256 ou Scrypt. A empresa afirma ser a primeira empresa de mineração dupla do mundo. Com o DualPro, propusemo-nos fornecer maior potência a um custo menor do que anteriormente era possível no setor. A Dual Miners está sediada em Londres, Reino Unido, e possui escritórios em várias outras cidades do mundo, incluindo nos EUA. O site da empresa,, fornece informações adicionais sobre a empresa e os seus produtos.

Para mais informações, visite

(+358) 41 4001034

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La solution de minage de cryptomonnaies simple est arrivée


High Hash Rate

HELSINKI, Finlande, 06 mai 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dual Miners ( a franchi la barre des 45 millions de dollars de commandes et de pré-ventes. Les plateformes de minage récemment lancées par Dual Miners ont dépassé ce que nous avons actuellement sur le marché des cryptomonnaies. La raison n’est pas étrange : avec cette innovation, la société a rendu le minage distinct et simple. Ce qui le rend encore plus facile est le manuel d’installation fourni avec la machine. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’être un vétéran des technologies pour comprendre comment elle fonctionne.

Grâce aux avancées de la technologie de puce ASIC, Dual Miners Ltd a développé trois solutions qui sont pré-configurées pour une facilité d’utilisation et la promesse d’un retour sur investissement en seulement un mois. La société, qui est dirigée par les spécialistes les plus expérimentés du secteur du minage de cryptomonnaies, est basée au Royaume-Uni.

D’après une déclaration officielle, les offres actuelles de la société incluent DualPro, DualPro Max et la plus récente plateforme DualPremium, toutes conçues pour soutenir des opérations lucratives sur la blockchain de choix.

Fondée à Londres, Dual Miners est une société de conception et fabrication de puces qui possède des bureaux en Finlande, en Corée du Sud et en Australie, en plus de son siège au Royaume-Uni. Elle compte plusieurs équipes ayant des connaissances approfondies sur une variété de sujets, notamment la technologie de blockchain et la conception technologique, parmi d’autres.

Les consommateurs peuvent acheter des unités de traitement graphique auprès de la société, qui fournit également des services de développement de portefeuilles de crytomonnaies. La société possède des bureaux sur trois continents différents. Le fait que Dual Miners a accumulé une expérience considérable sur le marché lui a permis de se bâtir une solide réputation dans le secteur de la blockchain.

Par conséquent, Dual Miners prendra en charge les coûts d’envoi ainsi que les frais d’importation, permettant aux consommateurs de ne pas dépenser plus que le prix du gadget mais en recevant tout le nécessaire pour se lancer sans encourir de dépenses supplémentaires.

À propos de Dual Miners

Dual Miners a été fondée en 2015 dans le but de développer et commercialiser les premiers doubles mineurs de cryptomonnaies de premier plan qui utilisent la technologie SHA-256 ou Scrypt. La société affirme être la premier entreprise au monde de double minage. Avec la plateforme DualPro, nous avons décidé de fournir plus de puissance à un coût inférieur à celui qui était auparavant disponible dans le secteur. Dual Miners a son siège social à Londres, au Royaume-Uni, et possède des bureaux dans plusieurs autres villes à travers le monde, y compris aux États-Unis. Pour en savoir plus sur la société et ses produits, veuillez consulter son site Internet à l’adresse

Pour tout complément d’information, rendez-vous sur

(+358) 41 4001034

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué de presse est disponible à l’adresse suivante

German G7 presidency focused on ‘international cohesion,’ Scholz says

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he is putting global cohesion at the centre of Germany’s G7 presidency, which runs until the end of the year. “International cohesion is fragile. That is why we will do our utmost to ensure that the global alliance, which stands firmly behind the rules-based international order, does not crack now,” Scholz said at a ceremony to mark the 100th anniversary of the Overseas Club in Hamburg on Friday. A central task of the G7 presidency, which German took over in January, was therefore to actively involve other international partners, Scholz said, adding that he w… Continue reading “German G7 presidency focused on ‘international cohesion,’ Scholz says”

The Solution to Simple Crypto Mining is Here


High Hash Rate

HELSINKI, Finland, May 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dual Miners ( have crossed the $45million USD mark on orders and pre-sales. The newly introduced mining rigs by Dual Miners have surpassed what we currently have in the cryptocurrency market. The reason is not farfetched; with this innovation, they have made mining distinct and simple. What makes it even easier is the installation manual that comes with the machine. You don’t have to be a veteran in technology to understand how it works.

Due to advances in ASIC chip technology, Dual Miners Ltd has developed three solutions that are pre-configured for ease of use and promise a return on investment in as little as one month. The company, which is led by some of the most experienced specialists in the Cryptocurrency mining industry, is based in the United Kingdom.

According to a corporate statement, the company’s current offerings include DualPro, DualPro Max, and the most recent DualPremium, all of which are designed to support lucrative operations on the blockchain of choice.

Founded in London, Dual Miners is a chip design and manufacturing company that has offices in Finland, South Korea, and Australia in addition to its home base in the United Kingdom. It has a number of teams with in-depth knowledge on a variety of topics, including Blockchain technology and technological design, among others.

Consumers can purchase graphics processing units from the company, which also provides crypto wallet development services. The company has offices on three different continents. The fact that Dual Miners has accumulated a substantial amount of market experience has earned it a reputable reputation in the Blockchain business.

So as a result, Dual Miners will pay the costs of shipping as well as import tariffs, allowing consumers to spend no more than the cost of the gadget and yet receive everything they need to get started without incurring additional expenditures.

Concerning Dual Miners

Founded in 2015 with the intention of developing and marketing the world’s first leading dual Cryptocurrency miners that use either SHA-256 or Scrypt technology. The company claims to be the world’s first dual mining enterprise. With the DualPro, we set out to give greater power at a lower cost than had previously been possible in the industry. Dual Miners is headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and has offices in several other cities across the world, including the United States. The company’s website,, provides additional information on the company and its products.

More information can be found at

(+358) 41 4001034

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Triggerise et la Elton John AIDS Foundation s’associent pour étendre les soins de santé mentale pour les jeunes au Kenya

Le nouveau partenariat rendra les dépistages et les services de santé mentale accessibles à des milliers de jeunes au Kenya

NAIROBI, Kenya, 5 mai 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Triggerise est heureuse d’annoncer un nouveau partenariat avec la John AIDS Foundation, conclu en vue de permettre aux jeunes du Kenya de prendre en main leur santé mentale et physique. La subvention de 1 million de dollars de la Elton John AIDS Foundation permettra à toutes les cliniques associées de Triggerise à Mombasa, au Kenya, de fournir des services de dépistage et des services de santé mentale, allant du conseil individuel et de groupe aux soins aux victimes de traumatismes, au cours des trois prochaines années. Ces offres cruciales en santé mentale seront pleinement intégrées aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive (SSR) de Triggerise pour les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans.

Le partenariat assure également la prophylaxie pré-exposition (PrEP), et les services de thérapie antirétrovirale (TAR) font partie des offres établies de Triggerise à Mombasa, car un accès fluide à la SSR est crucial pour cette tranche d’âge. Pour la première fois, Triggerise travaillera via son réseau de cliniques du secteur privé et élargira la couverture de sa plateforme afin d’inclure les cliniques du secteur public fournissant des services liés au VIH, car il est essentiel de soutenir les jeunes séropositifs pour le VIH tout au long de leur parcours de soins. Ils seront ensuite inscrits sur la plateforme mobile de Triggerise et bénéficieront gratuitement d’une connexion aux services appropriés. La plateforme suivra anonymement leur parcours de soins du VIH, les objectifs étant qu’ils restent sous traitement et puissent accéder aux services. La plateforme Triggerise permet également aux jeunes de faire des commentaires sur leur expérience des services. Des améliorations pourront ainsi être apportées afin de répondre à leurs besoins, en constante évolution.

« Nous sommes honorés de nous associer à cette importante initiative avec la Elton John AIDS Foundation », a déclaré Richard Matikanya, directeur de l’exploitation de Triggerise. « Le moment où s’effectue cet investissement est particulièrement intéressant, car le fardeau croissant de la santé mentale chez les jeunes dans leur diversité – en particulier ceux vivant avec le VIH – a été largement négligé. Notre partenariat nous permettra de contribuer à la base de données probantes relatives à la prise en charge des jeunes par des services de santé mentale qui répondent à leurs besoins selon leurs conditions. »

« La Elton John AIDS Foundation est très heureuse de pouvoir s’associer à l’équipe innovante de Triggerise pour élargir son programme existant pour les jeunes afin d’inclure des services de soutien à leur santé mentale » a déclaré Anne Aslett, directrice générale de la Elton John AIDS Foundation. « Nous savons que la santé mentale et la santé physique sont syndémiques et qu’il est donc essentiel de s’y attaquer simultanément. »

« La plateforme de Triggerise, axée sur les jeunes, est facile à utiliser. Elle a le potentiel d’atteindre les jeunes mal desservis et souvent victimes de discrimination, dont bon nombre sont des LGBTQ+ », explique le Dr Lindsay Hayden, qui dirige la section dédiée aux jeunes à la Elton John AIDS Foundation. Nous sommes impatients de leur fournir les informations, le soutien et les services dont ils ont besoin pour mener une vie globalement saine. »

À propos de la Elton John AIDS Foundation :

La Elton John AIDS Foundation a été créée en 1992 et est l’une des principales organisations indépendantes de lutte contre le sida dans le monde. La mission de la fondation est simple : mettre fin à l’épidémie de sida. La Elton John AIDS Foundation s’engage à surmonter la stigmatisation, la discrimination et la négligence qui nous empêchent de mettre fin au sida. Grâce à la mobilisation de notre réseau de donateurs et de partenaires généreux, nous finançons des experts locaux sur quatre continents pour lutter contre la discrimination, prévenir les infections, fournir des traitements et influencer les gouvernements pour mettre fin au

À propos de Triggerise :

Nous utilisons des données pour perturber de manière positive la prestation des services de santé et de bien-être. En fusionnant la technologie et l’économie comportementale, nous incitons les gens à adopter et à maintenir des comportements positifs.

Connectons-nous pour le changement. Retrouvez-nous ici

Contact pour les médias : Mary Pavlu,

Are Rights Abuses Tarnishing China’s Image in Africa?

An irate Chinese boss is screaming at his African workers as they take a lunch break, urging them to work harder or else the company won’t make any money. While intended to be funny, the new Egyptian TV commercial — since pulled for fear of offending Beijing — reveals widely-held African perceptions about the way Chinese companies on the continent treat their local staff.

Last month, a Rwandan court made a significant statement against the mistreatment of its citizens by sentencing mine manager Sun Shujun to 20 years in jail after a video of him whipping a tied-up worker went viral.

The case sparked outrage across the continent and even elicited a rare response from the Chinese Embassy in Kigali, which warned its citizens in Rwanda “to abide by local laws and regulations.”

The Rwandan incident is not the only example of recent Chinese rights abuses in Africa. A report last year by the U.K.-based Business and Human Rights Resource Center found 181 human rights allegations connected to Chinese investments in Africa between 2013 and 2020, with the highest number of incidents in Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Last year a Kenyan waiter was awarded more than $25,000 in damages after he was whipped by his Chinese restaurant boss. The abuse was captured on video and showed the boss laughing while the waiter begged for forgiveness. A Kenyan court found the man had also suffered “continuous sexual harassment, corporal punishment, verbal abuse and confinement” while working at the restaurant.

There have also been reports of Chinese employers mistreating locals who worked on a Chinese-built railway in Kenya documented in 2018 by The Standard newspaper. Separately, a Chinese trader was deported in a highly publicized case after using racial slurs against Kenyans, including calling the president “a monkey” in 2018.

Due to its massive mineral wealth and large number of Chinese-managed mines, the Democratic Republic of Congo is another country where rights abuses are regularly recorded. On Wednesday, a Congolese investigative journalist released a report detailing how small-scale Chinese cobalt miners are using child labor.

Josue Kashal, a lawyer from Congolese NGO Le Centre d’Aide Juridico-Judiciaire, represented a local mine worker earlier this year who was injured in an accident at China Molybdenum’s Kisanfu cobalt and copper mine. A landmark decision by the court ordered the mine to pay the worker’s hospital costs and lost wages.

“There are lots of violations of workers’ rights,” he told VOA, adding that local miners in DRC are paid small salaries and have shoddy protective equipment.

In Zimbabwe too, abuses by Chinese employers of local workers have been recorded, with one of the most egregious examples in 2020 when a Chinese employer, Zhang Xuen, shot and seriously injured two Zimbabwean workers after a wage dispute at a mine in the town of Gweru. Zhang was charged with attempted murder and the case is still pending.

The Chinese national was taken to court and the embassy in Harare said it was “highly concerned” about the shooting but stressed it was “an isolated incident.” The embassy statement continued, “any possible illegal acts and persons who violate the law should not be shielded.”

Shamiso Mtisi, deputy director of the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA), disagrees with the embassy’s statement saying the incident was isolated. He said there is a pattern of abuse by Chinese employers in Zimbabwe.

“ZELA is aware of several cases of abuse of Zimbabwean workers by Chinese employers, and this happens on a regular basis at some of the Chinese mining companies,” he told VOA. “I think the problem is they see themselves as superior.”

Mtisi said workers at Chinese-owned mines in the country are paid low wages and given poor personal protective equipment. However, he noted, it falls on the Zimbabwean government to uphold workplace standards and protect its nationals, and he says they are failing to do so because China is the country’s largest foreign investor.

“The challenge is the Chinese appear to be getting some protection either from government or some politicians, so they normally get away with it,” he said.

With Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s trademark Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese are huge players on the continent. Rival superpower the United States is increasing vying for influence with African leaders who favor Beijing’s no-strings-attached approach, providing loans without judging countries’ human rights issues.

But the public raft of abuses by Chinese employers on the continent have prompted the Chinese government to respond.

The Chinese Embassy in Namibia published a guide this week for Chinese expats in the southern African country on its WeChat page informing them of best practices while working abroad and how to avoid transgressions.

It included advice on how to handle wage disputes with local workers, not brandishing firearms to threaten staff, not “intimidating or coercing” striking workers, and always handling such matters by involving local authorities instead of taking things into one’s own hands.

And it seems some Chinese citizens living on the continent are also worried about the behavior of their compatriots. An anonymous man blogging under the name “Africa Bob,” who says he’s a business owner in Rwanda, took to Weixin to express his disgust over the recent whipping case and Sun Shujun’s actions.

“In this matter, Mr. Sun from China is indeed doing something wrong. We are now in another country, and the first thing we should do is abide by local laws and regulations,” he wrote. But he continued by writing, “the sentence is really too high.”

“Africa Bob” then wrote a list of good behavior tips for Chinese nationals living on the continent, urging his compatriots not to be racist.

“There are so many outstanding people in Africa … There are many excellent people, how can you arbitrarily say that Africans are not diligent?” he said. “I hope that one day we (Chinese) can be respected in Africa … and this requires the efforts of every Chinese in Africa.”

Source: Voice of America

Refugees in Kenya Gain Employment Rights as New Law Takes Effect

Ajak Jok Ajak is perusing case files on a rainy afternoon in Nairobi.

The 28-year-old South Sudanese refugee – who grew up at the Kakuma refugee camp in northern Kenya – never dreamed he would work one day as an intern at a major law firm.

Kenya has been hailed for passing a law giving hundreds of thousands of refugees living in the country better access to education and employment. While some refugees in Kenya are reaping the benefits of the 2021 legislation, many face challenges that include the government’s plan to shut down refugee camps by the end of June.

Ajak, now a law school graduate says thanks to Kenya’s Refugee Act, getting a job is much easier than it used to be.

“You had to obtain a research permit before you start research,” he said. “You had to obtain [an] internship permit before you start your internship – all those things. Now it means, you will not need another additional procedure, but just only your qualifications.”

The Refugee Act that was signed into law last year went into effect in February. Some 500,000 refugees who live in Kenya stand to benefit from the measure.

Jamin Kusuania, project manager at the International Rescue Committee in Nairobi, said the old policy restricted refugees’ movements.

“The biggest problem that refugees have had in this country since 1991 has actually been the incumbent policy where refugees are domiciled to live within particular camps,” Kusuania said. “And what we see in the Refugee Act of 2021 is that it moves toward removing that aspect of incumbent.”

Implementation of the Refugee Act has been slow. Speaking to VOA, Stanley Mwango from the Department of Refugee Services noted that parliament has not passed the regulation framework for the new law.

“The new law is part of the Kenyan government’s refugee integration program,” he said. “Refugee camps currently house more than 400,000 people, mostly from South Sudan and Somalia.”

Kenya’s government has said it will shut down the camps at the end of June, and previously cited security reasons. So far, there have been no evictions and relatively few people have left the sites voluntarily. For most of the refugees, home is the Dadaab camp, bordering Somalia, or Kakuma, which borders South Sudan.

Kenya has one of Africa’s largest refugee populations. Aid agencies say more work needs to be done. Kusuania said authorities need to be proactive in tackling the issues at hand.

“The government will need to relook at the timelines that are actually in place, but also take cognizance of now the Refugee Act of 2021 and begin a rethink in terms of how then do we need to handle refugees in the country,” Kusuania said. “How do we need then to transition refugees from the camps? Because it needs to be a roadmap towards solutions.”

For Ajak, the new law couldn’t have come at a better time. After being held back because of his refugee status, the new law has allowed him to apply for admission as a lawyer at the High Court of Kenya and a job promotion.

“It has enabled the refugees to actually access certain services without them being restricted,” he said. “And that’s why you see some of us are very hopeful.”

Ajak has also left the camps and now lives in Nairobi. If the Refugee Act is put into action, more refugees like him may see their futures become brighter.

Source: Voice of America

Guinea to Prosecute Ousted President Alpha Conde

Guinea’s military government this week announced plans to prosecute ousted President Alpha Conde and 26 of his former officials for murder, rape, kidnapping and other crimes. Guinea’s coup leader also proposed a three-year transition back to civilian rule.

In 2010, Conde became Guinea’s first democratically elected president, but accusations of corruption and authoritarian behavior mounted throughout his time in office. Last September, after winning what critics said was an illegal third term, Conde was overthrown in a military coup.

Conde had altered the constitution to allow himself to run for a third term, sparking violent protests and a deadly crackdown by police.

The charges against Conde and his government were issued in response to a complaint filed by the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC) — the group that had led the protests.

Gilles Yabi, director of the West Africa Citizen Think Tank in Dakar, said while it is important the proceedings shed light on Conde’s regime, he is concerned they risk being perceived as a political tool.

“When it comes to the fight against impunity, in order for it to be credible it must not raise suspicion of political manipulation,” he said. “Given the current context in Guinea, that could be difficult.”

The other officials facing charges include former security officers, speakers of parliament and a prime minister.

“It’s a bold move by the junta,” said Barka Ba, a West Africa political science researcher. “Do they have enough time and political legitimacy to conduct these proceedings? Because the people who are being charged are well respected and thought to be innocent. They will have a right to a defense.”

Leaders of the West Africa bloc ECOWAS had called on Guinea’s military government to announce an “acceptable” plan to transition to civilian rule by April 25 or face immediate sanctions.

Guinea’s interim president, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, a former special forces commander, missed the deadline. On Saturday, he said he was considering a transition period of more than three years.

ECOWAS defense leaders are meeting May 6, 2022, to discuss security in the Sahel and could announce sanctions against Guinea’s military government.

Source: Voice of America